
CarND MPC Quizzes

Primary LanguageC++

Term 2 MPC Control Quizzes

This repository hosts the quiz/lab for Vehicle Models and Model Predictive Control sections.

Table of Contents

  1. General Build Process Overview
  2. Polynomial Fitting - Fit and evaluate polynomials.
  3. Global Kinematic Model - Implement the Global Kinematic Model.
  4. MPC - Implement MPC and minimize cross track and orientation errors to a straight line trajectory.

0. General Build Process Overview

  1. The quizzes were build in Windows 10 x64 platform running WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) Ubuntu 16.04 version.
  2. Pre-requisites and dependencies were installed based on following instructions.
  3. Each projecct was build by creating a build directory using mkdir build. Then the project was compiled using cmake .. && make.

Installation of Dependencies for MPC quiz

  • Ipopt
    • Version 3.12.1 was download from here and installed using sudo install_ipopt.sh. Additional dependendies were automatically installed.
  • CppAD
    • On WSL, CppAD was installed using sudo apt-get install cppad.

In the following sections, code implemetation for each quiz is discussed.

1. Polynomial Fitting

In this lab, the pre-defined functions, polyfit and polyval were used to fit a polynomial to points and then evaluate the polynomial at defined points. The fitting was done using the following code block.

Eigen::VectorXd ceoffs = polyfit(xvals, yvals, 3);

The fitted coefficients were then used to evaluate the polynomial.

for (double x = 0; x <= 20; x += 1.0) {
  std::cout << polyeval(ceoffs, x) << std::endl;

The expected output was observed.

2. Global Kinematic Model

In this lab, the global kinematic model was implemented to predict state vector at a future time instant. The function call used was:

auto next_state = globalKinematic(state, actuators, 0.3);

The implementation of this function is:

Eigen::VectorXd globalKinematic(Eigen::VectorXd state,
                                Eigen::VectorXd actuators, double dt) {
  Eigen::VectorXd next_state(state.size());
  next_state[0] = state[0] + state[3]*cos(state[2])*dt;
  next_state[1] = state[1] + state[3]*cos(state[2])*dt;
  next_state[2] = state[2] + state[3]*actuators[0]*dt/Lf;
  next_state[3] = state[3] + actuators[1]*dt;
  return next_state;

The expected output was observed.

3. MPC Implementation

In this lab, MPC algorithm was implemented to minimize cross track and orientation errors to a straight line trajectory. The implementation is carried out in two major parts:

  • Definition of the FG_eval class.
  • Definition of the MPC::Solve(Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::VectorXd) function.

Before the implementation is discussed, list of hyperparameter used to tune the MPC model is listed below.

  • size_t N is the number of preductions in future. This is set to 25.
  • double dt is the time difference between prediction. This is set to 0.05.
  • Additional hyperparameters are set to penalize agressive maneuvers. double lambda_delta is to penalize large steering input (set to 500) and double lambda_a is to penalize large acceleration inputs (set to 100).
  • Reference velocity (double ref_v) is set to 40 MPH.

A description of each code block and line numbers in the source file (MPC.cpp) is presented below.

  1. The definition of the cost related the reference state is presented in code between lines 67-79. The cost is the optimization object and the cummulative cost is stored in first element of constraint vector fg. In addition to cost from CTE, epsi and velocity - aspects such as magnitude of steering inputs and time changes in steering/acceleration inputs are also used to penalize cost. For the last cost component, tunable Lagrange multipliers are used (lambda_delta and lambda_a).

  2. The definition of the model constraints are presented in the code section between lines 91-133. The constraints on initial state and difference between two time steps is assembled into constraint vector fg. It is noted that the key equations from global kinematic model are used in assembling constraints using code section between lines 128-133.

  3. Finally, the MPC::Solve function is implemented in code section betwen lines 145-254. The key steps in the lab are implementing the lower/upper bound constraints for the state variabels (positions [px,py], orientation psi, velocity v, cross-track error cte, orientation error epsi). Finally, an FG_eval class object is initialize with the coeffs vector of fitted trajectory. The initial state x0 is then utilized to solve the state variable for each time step using non-linear optimization in code section listed betwen lines 235-240. The solution is verified using code in line 246. The first predicted state in the horizon is returned.

In the main function block, the linear trajectory points are fitted with a line and along with the state, the control inputs (delta and a) are predicted. After running the code using defined input state and trajectory, expected results were obtained. This implementation is further used in the MPC project.