Django Cookiecutter template for the new project
CD to new project folder location.
In your terminal type command: cookiecutter gh:svanke/cookiecutter-django Or run in python:
from cookiecutter.main import cookiecutter cookiecutter('')
Fill in cookiecutter's answers.
- Using terminal create project's postgresql database. Name should be the same as {project_name}
Type command in terminal: createdb -U {username} -W {project_name} Password same as used in cookiecutter's template.
- CD to created project template. Create virtual environment with Python3
Type command in terminal: python3 -m venv --copies .env Activate virtual env(command in terminal): source .env/bin/activate
- Install django libraries(from requirements/local.txt)
Type command in terminal: pip install -r requirements/local.txt
- Drag & Drop project template folder in PyCharm.
Select correct virtual env as python interpreter, select django settings.
Run command in PyCharm
You good to go! :)