Based on ODFDOM of the ODF Toolkit the ODFDOM JAR was altered to an extractor of relevant data for Re-ISearch lead by Edward Zimmermann.
Build the ODFDOM module via mvn clean install
using Maven and JDK >=9 (JDK 8 build still shows problems with dependencies). Sucessfully tested with JDK LTS 11 and 17.
(You may also compile of Java into a binary using GraalVM on Linux.
This was successfully tested for Linux without any visible performance gain nor loss).
java -jar odfdom/target/odfdom-search-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
will return something like:
Re-ISearch ODF extractor (build 2022-09-30T23:10:18)
from supporting ODF 1.2
java -jar odfdom/target/odfdom-search-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar <ODT_PATH>
For example by using as ODT the URL to the OASIS ODF 1.3 specification will return all relevant search data to standard out. Piped into a file the data will be usable by the re-ISearch engine.
The search engine Re-ISearch is bundling the deliverable of this repository as a plugin to extract search information from OpenDocument Test documents. Here is a description how to install Re-ISearch on your Linux machine and use this ODT plugin to search within ODT documents.
- You need to copy the Re-Isearch sources via
git clone
There is a helpful INSTALLATION help file for Re-ISearch engine. 2. It is suggested to add manual the directory for the plugin, which is assumed by default and make it write accessible: /opt/nonmonotonic/ib/lib/plugins/ 3. The script <RE_ISEARCH_ROOT>/bin/odt-search still needs to be added to the $PATH to be able to be found by ISearch (known usability issue) 4. In the <RE_ISEARCH_ROOT>/build directory build the search-engine (for complication look INSTALLATION cheat file or full handbook, e.g.
cd re-Isearch/build
make -j4
- In the <RE_ISEARCH_ROOT>/build directory build the plugins:
make plugins -j4
- As the plugin is new and not being taken by default yet - choose it explicitly for indexing via:
../bin/Iindex -d <INDEX_DIRECTORY> -recursive -t odt2: -include "*.odt" <ODT_DIR_INPUT_PATH>
- The validness of the new index and the index structure can be checked via
../bin/Iutil -d <INDEX_DIRECTORY> -vf
- Finally, any search can be executed, for example returning all sentences containing the <SEARCH_STRING>
- The ./bin/odt-search script has to be add explicitly to the user's PATH variable (and there is still an error message if you do)
This project was funded through the NGI0 Discovery Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission's Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 825322.