
Simple Job crawler in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Jobs crawler

A simple crawler for job ads on different websites.

Supported websites

Currently the following websites are supported:

  • Neuvoo
  • Monster


The configuration for search terms, location and which websites to include can be set in the config.json file. An example of the configuration is shown below:

  "search_terms": [
    "Python developer"
  "country": "Sweden",
  "location": "Stockholm",
  "websites": [
  "output_file": "new_jobs.txt"

Any website does only support certain countries. For a full list of supported countries for each site view the mapping files crawler/monster_mapping.json and crawler/neuvoo_mappings.json. If a country is specified that is supported for one website but not the other, the crwaler will only crawl the supported one.

Required packages

The crawler requires some dependencies to be installed, just run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The application was tested with Python 3.7+ so make sure you're using that version or higher. To execute the crawler run:

python crawl.py


The crawled data is stored in a local sqlite3 database file. All newly received job ads are also written to an output file with the name specified in the configuration file, however, only new ads will be outputed to that file.