
MyTube demo project for new job interviews

Primary LanguageRuby

This is the demo app I wrote to demonstrate some of my skills for a job interviews.

This app allows users to:
- sign up and sign in to application
- upload videos in any format FFMpeg can handle
- watch the upload progress (useful for big files)
- see a video thumbnail as soon as upload finish
- set some title and description for the video
- watch the video conversion progress: queued, converting, ready
- comment the videos published
- reply to other's comments, so the comments are nested

ps. video conversion is done as background process(es) using Resque gem (background jobs queue/processor)

Common steps to startup the app:

# redis server is necessary for task queue
sudo /etc/init.d/redis-server start
# unicorn web server
unicorn_rails -c config/unicorn.rb -E production -D
# background workers
RAILS_ENV=production COUNT=2 QUEUE=* rake resque:workers 2>&1 >> log/workers.production.log &

That's all. Try it!