Pinned issues
- 2
[Bug]: 中文文件名会出现编码错误
#359 opened by darkicerain - 0
#155 opened by yifenglv46 - 1
- 3
[Bug]: new Shallow diffusion bug?
#347 opened by iiallgaii - 1
[Help]: 是否有支持VITS模型ONNX的计划?
#341 opened by gandolfxu - 2
- 2
[Help]: 如何使用自己的预训练模型
#358 opened by gandolfxu - 3
[Help]: 为何扩散模型生成的效果要远好於 sovits 的模型?
#344 opened by happyman2025 - 6
#120 opened by TQG1997 - 10
[Bug]: 4.0下如果数据集过多生成F0会导致爆显存
#356 opened by HoshikawaYoru - 1
[Help]: OOM error on 24 GB GPU upon inference
#355 opened by dillfrescott - 0
[Bug]: Package conflict with numpy
#353 opened by Sewlell - 0
- 1
[Bug]: ValueError: array is not C-contiguous When using feature_retrieval 使用特征检索时报错
#329 opened by LancherM - 8
[Help]: 特征检索在webui推理中无法使用
#300 opened by putongdisco - 3
[Bug]: KL散度为负数
#315 opened by mlbv - 3
- 2
- 0
issue about speaker embedding
#320 opened by zhenye234 - 1
[Help]: subprocess-exited-with-error
#314 opened by Spencersirius - 2
[Help] Where to download the latest weight? error, emb_g.weight is not in the checkpoint
#303 opened by chigkim - 6
#121 opened by TQG1997 - 6
- 2
可以用上一次训练出的模型 当作底模进行下一炉训练吗
#156 opened by fish5257 - 2
[Help]: 推理的时候出现 CUDA out of memory
#157 opened by KOUymA - 1
#167 opened by youminxue - 1
[mps] issue with Apple silicon compatibility
#170 opened by magic-akari - 0
ValueError: math domain error
#169 opened by mp075496706 - 2
Where can i find those files G_0.pth and D_0.pth?
#166 opened by saintjevans - 8
#162 opened by ZhuiMeng3DNA - 1
[Help]: 推理时音频文件报错
#163 opened by bilbillm - 1
[Help]: 可以使用mps后端支持Apple Silicon的Mac嘛
#143 opened by Spectual - 1
[Help]: Debugging Problem
#151 opened by kaimouren - 3
[Help]: 运行webUI.py时,出现:ImportError: cannot import name 'quote' from 'urllib'
#161 opened by windlightly - 4
#159 opened by vivagwb - 1
[Bug]: mps regression in 237f351
#160 opened by magic-akari - 0
#158 opened by ThatOneBroccoli - 2
[Help]: 推理报OSError: [WinError 127] 找不到指定的程序。
#152 opened by vilenice - 5
[Help]: 每次训练都在 Epoch: 2 [42%], step: 800 的位置报错退出
#126 opened by AGuanDao - 3
[Help]: 使用文字转语音出现Error
#140 opened by EsawaAzusa - 0
[Help]: 为什么我预处理是用cpu进行的?
#144 opened by vilenice - 2
[Help]: I keep getting an error when i try to find the file in my google drive it says "file cannot open o unziped"? this is for 4.0
#134 opened by atulshiva - 5
- 6
[Feature Request] Vocal type output.
#128 opened by AlterCreator - 1
[Help]: 在Google colab上运行,到推理这一步出现错误,ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torchcrepe'
#125 opened by Asgardloki233 - 2
[Help]: 在colab运行中无法生成hubert文件,且训练报错
#127 opened by Iansniper - 3
[Help]: 在运行``时出现爆显存
#132 opened by MZhao-ouo - 15
TensorRT not found
#122 opened by AlterCreator - 1
[Help]: 在Colab运行中加载谷歌云盘时报错ValueError: Mountpoint must not already contain files
#124 opened by Iansniper - 1
[Help]: 以前的预训练模型无法使用了,训练时报错张量大小不一致[2][200]
#119 opened by Alogenes