CCOMS Project covers all scenarios of DevOps Tools [Cloud Comp Organization Management System]

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Cloud Comp Organization Management System [CCOMS]

Table of contents


CCOMS is a Organization Managament System Microservices based project. Purpose of creating this project is to understand and work on all Devops technologies. Live project will help you to understand or map all devops tools easily, that is why i have created this project.


I have created three different microservices, which communicates with each other trough REST API.

  • Employee
  • Department
  • Organization
  • Proxy
  • Config

There is nothing special in these microservices.

  • I have used spring boot dependencies to build spring boot based project and deployed it on kubernetes.

Purpose of creating the organization

To uniquely identify project across all th projects, I have created CCOMS organization intentionally.
Below is the groupid that i have used in maven project.

com -- for commercial
cloudcomp -- Organization name
ccoms -- Organization Management System Project

Software Metrics

Category Tools Subtools/Plugin Version Purpose
Development Springboot springframework 2.2.1 Easy to develop microservices
swagger 1.2.4 To build documentation for all restAPIs
Config Server/Client 2.2.1 Used distributed configuration server to store configuration
Openfeign 2.2.1 To communicate one microservice with other microservice
thymeleaf 2.2.1 Its modern Java template to build a web environemnt
spring data mongodb 2.2.1 To interact with mongo db
Zuul 2.2.1 To use proxy server and centralize swagger, this is why we havent used ingress k8s controller
Project building Tool Maven Maven 3.6.2 To build Spring boot project
Surefire Surefire is default plugin to generate Unit test case report [Junit and TestNG]
failsafe Used to generate integration test report
jacoco Used to check criteria of newly developed code
cucumber used for Behavior Driven Development
sonar Use for static code analysis
docker to build and push image
nexus repository to push artifact on nexus
OWASP used for dynamic analys of code
UI Testing Selenium 3.141.59 UI based automation testing is done by selenium
Performance Testing Jmeter Load and stress testing is done by jemeter
Artifact Repository Nexus 3.13 Used to store artifact of monolithic application
Docker Hub Used private and public repositories to store docker images
Version Control tool git 2.9.2 to work with multiple developers and on multiple feature.
Containerization Docker 18.09.8-ol to write docker files and to test application on docker before moving on to k8s
Container Orchestration Kubernetes 1.16 to manage and scale pods
Monitoring log ELK with fluentd 7.4.2 to monitor k8s cluster and pods log.
Monitoring infra/k8s cluster ELK with MetricBeat 7.4.2 to monitor k8scluster
Weavescope 1.11.6 to monitor k8s cluster and its service, lightweight tool and needs zero configuration
Static Code analysis Sonar Qube Jenkins pushes to code for analsis on sonar qube
Sonar Lint Developer uses this plugin for static code analysis
Dynamic code analysis OWASP for dynamic code analysis
Infrastructure automation Ansible To automate ccoms project deployment on k8s cluster
Development Java 1.8 for webservice development
html for webpage development
Pipeline Automation Jenkins To automate everything from checkin to delivering product to customer
Building Infrastructure Vagrant To form virtual machines with softwares,packages and k8s cluster
Webserver Apache Tomcat To deploy web based application
Operating system OEL 7.3 for deploying k8s cluster

Requirement Gathering

Generating a list of requirements (functional, system, technical, etc.) from the various stakeholders (customers, users, vendors, IT staff, etc.) that will be used as the basis for the formal Requirements.
The exact implementation of behavioral requirements varies per tool, for development of features i am using cucumber framework.

Behavior Driven Development

In both TDD and BDD approaches, tests are written upfront before the actual code is written.
Writing tests first helps predict the course of the development, which will ultimately prevent any cases being missed from the code or functionality.
Prevention of bugs will be the main aim of these approaches, and these tests will also act as concrete documentation of what is planned to be achieved in terms of test coverage.

BDD is an agile technique that brings developers, analysts and testers together through the use of scenarios.
Scenarios that are written in a behaviour-driven development format allow business analysts to specify events, conditions, and actions which can later serve as acceptance test criteria.

maven uses junit framework to run the test cases. in our case we have cucumber integrated with it. below is the snippet of test class.


@CucumberOptions(features = "src/test/resources/features", plugin = {
        "json:target/cucumber-report.json" }, monochrome = true)
public class CucumberEmpTest {


surefire plugin is used to generate test cases and its report to target folder.
then we use cucumber jenkins plugin to create report on jenkins as below

    steps {
        sh 'mvn -f ${APP_ROOT_DIR}/pom.xml -T 4 -Drevision="${REVISION}" jacoco:prepare-agent surefire-report:report jacoco:report jacoco:check@jacoco-check'
    post {
        success {
            cucumber failedFeaturesNumber: -1, failedScenariosNumber: -1, failedStepsNumber: -1, fileIncludePattern: 'organization-management-system/**/*.json', pendingStepsNumber: -1, skippedStepsNumber: -1, sortingMethod: 'ALPHABETICAL', undefinedStepsNumber: -1
            jacoco inclusionPattern: '**/*.class'
        failure {
            emailextrecipients([developers(), upstreamDevelopers(), culprits()])

Below is the screenshot of overall cucumber results and one of scenario.

Developer can generate test cases from feature file as below.

Right click on feature file and then run as cucumber feature, it will help us to write steps/test cases.

How Team Works in Agile Based Project

  • Business analyst or customer write the feature file
  • Developer and tester (work in collaboratively) and convert file to step definitions and then start working on the features.
  • Project Owner conducts Scrum 15 min daily meeting to track the activity
  • Project building tool is responsible for building, testing, deploying the project.


  • Spring Boot
  • Maven
  • Ansible
  • Kubernetes
  • Jenkins

Spring Boot

Employee Microservice

  • Extended EmployeeRepository with CrudRepository to itegrate it with MongoDB
public interface EmployeeRepository extends CrudRepository<Employee, Long>{    
    @Query("{ 'orgId' : ?0 }")
    public List<Employee> findEmpsByOrgId(int orgId);
    @Query("{ 'deptId' : ?0 }")
    public List<Employee> findEmpsByDeptId(int deptId);
  • Entity class has been annotated with @document and primary key with @id
@ApiModel(description = "All details about the Employee. ")
@Document(collection = "employee")
public class Employee {

    private Long id;
  • Then repository has been injected into Controller class using @AutoWired
@RequestMapping(value = { "/api" })
@Api(value = "Employee Management System")
public class EmployeeRestController {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EmployeeRestController.class);
    EmployeeRepository empRepository;

    public String get() {
        return "Please give url as hostname/employee/get";


    @ApiOperation(value = "Get an employee by Id")
    public ResponseEntity<Employee> getEmpById(@PathVariable("id") Long id) throws ResourceNotFoundException {
        Employee emp = empRepository.findById(id)
                .orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Employee not found for this id :: " + id));
        return ResponseEntity.ok().body(emp);

  • Used thymeleaf template and view controller to display it on UI.
  1. View Controller
@RequestMapping(value = { "/" })
public class EmployeeViewController {

    EmployeeRepository empRep;

    public String showSignUpForm(Model model) {
        model.addAttribute("emps", empRep.findAll());
        return "show_pretty_output";

  1. Used Thymeleaf template in html file
			<tr th:if="${emps.empty}">
				<td colspan="2">CCOMS Employee Information</td>
			<tr th:each="emp : ${emps}">
				<td><span th:text="${emp.id}"> ID </span></td>
				<td><span th:text="${emp.name}"> Name </span></td>
				<td><span th:text="${emp.age}"> Age </span></td>
				<td><span th:text="${emp.position}"> Position </span></td>
				<td><span th:text="${emp.orgId}"> OrgId </span></td>
				<td><span th:text="${emp.deptId}"> DeptId </span></td>

Department Microservice

Used OpenFeign Client to fetch data from Employee MicroService.

@FeignClient(name = "employee-service", url = "${emp.service.url: http://localhost:8080}")
public interface EmployeeClient {

    public List<Employee> findEmpsByDeptId(@PathVariable("deptId") Long deptId);


Organization Microservice

Used Openfeign client to fetch data from Department and Employee Microservice

@FeignClient(name = "department-service", url = "${dept.service.url: http://localhost:8081}")
public interface DepartmentClient {

    public List<Department> findDeptsUsingOrgId(@PathVariable("orgId") Long orgId);

    public List<Department> findDeptsWithEmpsUsingOrgId(@PathVariable("orgId") Long orgId);


Proxy Microserver (Gateway)

  • Used EnableZullProxy annoattion for cteating a Proxy/Gateway server.
@SpringBootApplication(exclude = { SecurityAutoConfiguration.class, ManagementWebSecurityAutoConfiguration.class })
public class ProxyServerMicroserviceApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(ProxyServerMicroserviceApplication.class, args);

    public Docket api() {
        return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2).select()
   port: ${CCOMS_ZUUL_PORT}

         path: /emp/**
         url: http://emp.ccoms.com:${CCOMS_EMP_PORT}/
         serviceId: employee-service
         path: /dept/**
         url: http://dept.ccoms.com:${CCOMS_DEPT_PORT}/
         serviceId: department-service
         path: /org/**
         url: http://org.ccoms.com:${CCOMS_ORG_PORT}/
         serviceId: organization-service
  • Documented REST API using Centralized Swagger
public class RestAPIDocumentationController implements SwaggerResourcesProvider {

    public List<SwaggerResource> get() {
        List<SwaggerResource> resources = new ArrayList<>();
        resources.add(swaggerResource("employee-service", "/emp/v2/api-docs", "2.0"));
        resources.add(swaggerResource("department-service", "/dept/v2/api-docs", "2.0"));
        resources.add(swaggerResource("organization-service", "/org/v2/api-docs", "2.0"));
        return resources;

Postman utiltity to send data using Rest api's


CCOMS is spring boot based application and built using maven.
I have used multimodule project to build all microservice from one location. Generally we run maven goals rather than phases directly.
Aggreated Dependency and Plugin Management into Parent Pom file.


For the demonstration purpose i an using install maven phase

Clone github repository [https://github.com/svchinche/CCOMS.git] and then go to CCOMS/organization-management-system directory
and run below command.

[root@mum00aqm organization-management-system]# mvn -Drevision=1.3 -DskipTests=true  clean:clean install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] cloud-comp-oms                                                     [pom]
[INFO] config-service                                                     [war]
[INFO] dept-service                                                       [war]
[INFO] emp-service                                                        [war]
[INFO] org-service                                                        [war]
[INFO] gateway-service                                                    [war]
[INFO] -----------------< com.cloudcomp.ccoms:cloud-comp-oms >-----------------
[INFO] Building cloud-comp-oms 1.3                                        [1/6]
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] Tests are skipped.
[INFO] --- maven-war-plugin:3.2.3:war (default-war) @ config-service ---
[INFO] Packaging webapp
[INFO] Assembling webapp [config-service] in [/root/CCOMS/CCOMS/organization-management-system/config-service/target/ConfigServer-MicroService]
[INFO] Processing war project
[INFO] --- dockerfile-maven-plugin:1.4.13:tag (tag-version) @ config-service ---
[INFO] Tagging image de44e39ded7f as compucomm/config-service:1.3
[INFO] Building jar: /root/CCOMS/CCOMS/organization-management-system/config-service/target/ConfigServer-MicroService-docker-info.jar
[INFO] --- dockerfile-maven-plugin:1.4.13:push (tag-version) @ config-service ---
[INFO] The push refers to repository [docker.io/compucomm/config-service]
[INFO] Image f1b5933fe4b5: Layer already exists
[INFO] 1.3: digest: sha256:1987270b1da2a534921cfb89f79bedd313462f0ac48b740ccde178fa32819198 size: 1159
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary for cloud-comp-oms 1.3:
[INFO] cloud-comp-oms ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.242 s]
[INFO] config-service ..................................... SUCCESS [02:06 min]
[INFO] dept-service ....................................... SUCCESS [02:44 min]
[INFO] emp-service ........................................ SUCCESS [02:42 min]
[INFO] org-service ........................................ SUCCESS [02:42 min]
[INFO] gateway-service .................................... SUCCESS [02:54 min]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  13:11 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-11-17T16:55:15-05:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

In command, you can see maven command is being used to create application war file. As docker spotify plugin is entitled with install phase, thats is why it is pushing docker image on dockerhub registry.

  • I have tagged image with two tags
    • latest
    • with revision, that we passed as argument to maven


Below is directory structure of ansible. it's Self explainatory.

[root@mum00aqm ansible_k8s-ccoms-deployment]# tree -L 2
├── ansible.cfg
├── ccoms_playbook.yaml
├── environments
│   ├── 000_cross_env_vars
│   ├── dev
│   ├── prod
│   └── uat
├── prereq_verification_ccoms.sh
├── roles
│   ├── ccoms
│   ├── common
│   ├── database
│   └── preccoms
└── scripts
    ├── post_ccoms
    ├── pre_ccoms
    └── test.yaml

12 directories, 5 files

For more information on ansible, you can check this link


  • Yaml file for deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
   name: org-ms
   namespace: ccoms
      app: org-ms
   replicas: 3
      type: RollingUpdate
         maxSurge: 1
         maxUnavailable: 50%
   revisionHistoryLimit: 5
         app: org-ms
            app: org-ms
         -  name: org-ms
            image: compucomm/org-service:1.2
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            -  containerPort: 8082
            - name: app.profile
              value: dev
            - name: CCOMS_DATABASE_USERNAME
              value: admin
            - name: CCOMS_DATABASE_PASSWORD
              value: admin123
              value: admin
            - name: CCOMS_DATABASE_PORT
              value: "27017"
            - name: CCOMS_EMP_PORT
              value: "8080"
            - name: CCOMS_DEPT_PORT
              value: "8081"
            - name: CCOMS_ORG_PORT
              value: "8082"
                  path: /pretty
                  port: 8082
               initialDelaySeconds: 120
               periodSeconds: 10
               successThreshold: 1
                  path: /pretty
                  port: 8082
               initialDelaySeconds: 120
               periodSeconds: 10
               successThreshold: 1
  • Department Service
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
   name: dept
   namespace: ccoms
      app: dept-svc
   -  port: 8081
      protocol: TCP
      app: dept-ms
  • Namespace
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: ccoms

For more information on kubernetes, go to this link


Automated Development, build and test process using Jenkins.

  • Used MultiBranch-Pipeline project.
  • Used Declarative and scripted section in JenkinsFile.
  • Enable web-hook to auto trigger build. For more information on Jenkins, go to this link

MultiBranch-pipeline Project

This will allows you to automatically create a pipeline for each branch on your source control repository.
See below Jenkins MultiBranchPipeline Screenshot.

Workflow of jenkins pipeline

Multibranch pipeline works using a Jenkinsfile, that is stored along with your source code inside a version control repository.
A Jenkinsfile is nothing but a pipeline script that defines your CI pipeline.

One more, benefit of using Jenkins is that, You can continue from past failed stage, Use repay feature of jenkins as shown below.

Used Declarative and scripted section in JenkinsFile

You can see in below code snippet, i have used shared library (git_infoshared-lib) to get the recent tag information, which will be used to form the artifact id.
We use groovy language to write shared library.

pipeline {

    agent {
        label 'master'
    tools {
        maven 'maven'
        jdk 'jdk8'

    libraries {

    environment {
        APP_NAME = "ccoms"
        APP_ROOT_DIR = "organization-management-system"
        APP_AUTHOR = "Suyog Chinche"


    stages {
        stage('Cleaning Phase') {
            steps {
                 /* This block used here since VERSION_NUMBER env var is not initialize and we were initializing this value through shared library  */
                script {
                    env.REVISION_ID = getBuildVersion()
                sh 'mvn -f ${APP_ROOT_DIR}/pom.xml -Drevision="${REVISION_ID}" clean:clean'
        stage('Copy Resources') {
            steps {
                sh 'mvn -f ${APP_ROOT_DIR}/pom.xml -Drevision="${REVISION_ID}" resources:resources  resources:testResources'
        stage('Generate Test Cases - Surefire') {
            steps {
                sh 'mvn -f ${APP_ROOT_DIR}/pom.xml -Drevision="${REVISION_ID}" compiler:compile  compiler:testCompile surefire:test'

            post {
                success {
                    publishHTML([allowMissing: false, alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true, keepAll: true, reportDir: '${APP_ROOT_DIR}/config-service/target/surefire-reports', reportFiles: 'index.html', reportName: 'Unit Test Report', reportTitles: 'Unit Test Result'])
        stage('Publishing code on SONARQUBE'){
            when {
                anyOf {
                    branch 'release'
            steps {
                sh 'mvn -f ${APP_ROOT_DIR}/pom.xml -Drevision="${REVISION_ID}" -pl .,config-service  sonar:sonar'
        stage('Packaging') {
            steps {
                sh 'mvn -f ${APP_ROOT_DIR}/pom.xml -Drevision="${REVISION_ID}" -pl department-service,employee-service,gateway-service,organization-service war:war spring-boot:repackage dependency:unpack@unpack'
        stage('Building and Pushing an image') {
            when {
                anyOf {
                    branch 'release'
					branch 'hotfix'
					branch 'master'
            steps {
                sh 'mvn -f ${APP_ROOT_DIR}/pom.xml -Drevision="${REVISION_ID}" dockerfile:build dockerfile:tag@tag-version dockerfile:push@default dockerfile:push@tag-version'
		// In case of develop branch, QA env will be provision based on local private docker registry
		stage('Snapshot Release- Building and Pushing an image') {
            when {
                anyOf {
                    branch 'develop'
            steps {
                sh 'mvn -f ${APP_ROOT_DIR}/pom.xml -Drevision="${REVISION_ID}" dockerfile:build dockerfile:tag@tag-version dockerfile:push@default dockerfile:push@tag-version'

Shared library snippet

def call() {

    tag_id = sh(script: "git describe --abbrev=0", returnStdout: true)?.trim()

    env.TAG_NAME = tag_id

    if ( BRANCH_NAME == 'master' || BRANCH_NAME == 'hostfix' || BRANCH_NAME == 'release' ) {
        echo "master-hotfix-release"
        env.REVISION_ID = tag_id;
        return "${TAG_NAME}"
    } else if ( BRANCH_NAME == 'develop' || BRANCH_NAME =~ /feature/ ) {
        echo "development-feature-*"
        return "${REVISION_ID}"
    } else {
        return null

Enable web-hook to auto trigger build.

Sonar-Qube reports

Docker images

Visualization of Containers

Below visualization of containers, volumes has been taken from Weave-scope kubernetes plugin

Operational Activities

Application Deployment on k8s

Below command is being used to install application on kubernetes

[root@mum00cuc ansible_k8s-ccoms-deployment]# ansible-playbook -e "ccoms_service_tag=1.2" ccoms_playbook.yaml

PLAY [Installing Kubernetes python client for ansible] ***************************************************************************************

TASK [common : Ensure Pip is installed on Proxy Based Env] ***********************************************************************************
ok: [k8s_master]

TASK [ccoms : Create CCOMS Deployment for Proxy] *********************************************************************************************
ok: [k8s_master]

PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************************
ansible_node               : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=3    rescued=0    ignored=0
k8s_master                 : ok=18   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Application Rolling Update on k8s

  • Update can be done using two ways as below
    • Recreate - This will terminate all your replica, and recreate a new deployment. Generally we use this in development environemnt.
    • Rolling - Not updating the instances at once, updating application with stages. We use this for zero downtime for keeping application available for customer .

Below are the option that we use in rolling update

  • MaxSurge : How many replicas in addition of existing replica. If we have four replicas and if you mention 50% of surge, total available replicas will be six
  • MaxUnavailable : How many pods can be unavailable. If you keep value as 1, it will terminate and update the pod one by one.
  • MinimumReadySeconds : We say minimum wait when new/updated pod is ready for serving a request, ideal way would be to have ReadynessProbe
  • Revision history : It keeps revision for deployment, this will help us to restore back using these revisions.

Implementation I have automated zero downtime patching by updating kubernetes manifest [deployment yaml] file, which is automated through ansible
in below command, i have provided extra argument to update microservices with tag 1.2. and default value was latest

[root@ansible_node ansible_k8s-ccoms-deployment]# ansible-playbook -e "ccoms_service_tag=1.2" ccoms_playbook.yaml 
[root@mum00cuc ansible_k8s-ccoms-deployment]# grep -inr -F "ccoms_service_tag" *
environments/uat/group_vars/k8s_nodes:6:    IMAGE: config-service:{{ ccoms_service_tag }}
environments/uat/group_vars/k8s_nodes:12:    IMAGE: emp-service:{{ ccoms_service_tag }}
environments/uat/group_vars/k8s_nodes:18:    IMAGE: dept-service:{{ ccoms_service_tag }}
environments/uat/group_vars/k8s_nodes:24:    IMAGE: org-service:{{ ccoms_service_tag }}
environments/uat/group_vars/k8s_nodes:30:    IMAGE: gateway-service:{{ ccoms_service_tag }}
environments/000_cross_env_vars:2:ccoms_service_tag: latest

Deployment yaml or Manifest file

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
   name: proxy-ms
   namespace: ccoms
      app: proxy-ms
   replicas: 2
      type: RollingUpdate
         maxSurge: 1
         maxUnavailable: 50%
         app: proxy-ms
            app: proxy-ms
         -  name: proxy-ms
            image: compucomm/gateway-service
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            -  containerPort: 8111
                path: /emp/pretty
                port: 8111
              initialDelaySeconds: 120
              periodSeconds: 10
              successThreshold: 1
                path: /emp/pretty
                port: 8111
              initialDelaySeconds: 120
              periodSeconds: 10
              successThreshold: 1

Rolling back Application on k8s

Rollback: To go back to last working revision / Prevision

As you can see, in below screenshot empty replica set of previous version is present, so why not we delete these replicas [using kubectl delete rs ] hold on, if we delete these replica, you wont be able to rollback.

You can check rolled out status, using below command

[root@mum00aqm ~]# kubectl rollout status -n ccoms deployment cfg-ms
deployment "cfg-ms" successfully rolled out

You can check revision history using below command

root@mum00aqm ~]# kubectl rollout history -n ccoms deployment cfg-ms
1         <none>
2         <none>

You can change image id of deployment using

kubectl set image deployment -n ccoms proxy-ms compucomm/gateway-service=compucomm/gateway-service:1.2

See the information of second last revision.

[root@mum00aqm ~]# kubectl rollout history -n ccoms deployment proxy-ms --revision=2
deployment.extensions/proxy-ms with revision #2
Pod Template:
  Labels:       app=proxy-ms
    Image:      compucomm/gateway-service:1.2
    Port:       8111/TCP
    Host Port:  0/TCP
    Liveness:   http-get http://:8111/emp/pretty delay=120s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
    Readiness:  http-get http://:8111/emp/pretty delay=120s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
      app.profile:      dev
      CCOMS_EMP_PORT:   8080
      CCOMS_DEPT_PORT:  8081
      CCOMS_ORG_PORT:   8082
      CCOMS_ZUUL_PORT:  8111
    Mounts:     <none>
  Volumes:      <none>

Its good to set change cause We can set a cause using annotate and record option. but that we never use. we update this using yaml manifest file.
Step for creating and maintaining revision history.

Steps for rollout the last revison. kubectl rollout

[root@mum00aqm ~]# kubectl  rollout undo deployment -n ccoms

If you want go back to specific revision

kubectl  rollout undo deployment -n ccoms cfg-ms --to-revision=2

where 2 is the revision id.

Status information

[root@mum00aqm ~]# kubectl rollout status -n ccoms deployment dept-ms
Waiting for deployment "dept-ms" rollout to finish: 2 out of 3 new replicas have been updated...

Stopping and resuming update.

Assume that you have 100's of microservices and you find that there is some issue in the deployment after applying the rollup, then in this case you can pause the rolling update and rollbacked to previous version

[root@mum00aqm ~]# kubectl rollout undo deployment -n ccoms
[root@mum00aqm ~]# kubectl rollout pause deployment -n ccoms
failed to patch: the server could not find the requested resource
failed to patch: the server could not find the requested resource
failed to patch: the server could not find the requested resource
failed to patch: the server could not find the requested resource
failed to patch: the server could not find the requested resource

You can resume the deployment using resume command

[root@mum00aqm ~]# kubectl rollout resume deployment -n ccoms

Kubernetes Cluster Deployment

Kubernetes Cluster Upgrade

Ansible Password Rotation

We do not keep Vault keys as part of code repository, so these keys should be kept as secured location. since these keys help ansible to decrypt the data from vault. so i have created a utility to generate new keys and copy to home directory

[root@mum00cuc ansible_k8s-ccoms-deployment]# sh vault_pwdrotation.sh
Rekey successful
Rekey successful
Rekey successful

Shell script is as below


## Uppdate home directory with new keys
rm -rf ~/.ansible_keys; cp -r ./.ansible_keys/  ~/.ansible_keys/

## take backup of existing key files
rm -rf ~/.ansible_keys_back && cp -r ~/.ansible_keys ~/.ansible_keys_back

## Remove existing files
rm -rf ~/.ansible_keys && mkdir -p ~/.ansible_keys

## Generate random passwords
tr -cd '[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | fold -w32 | head -n1 > ~/.ansible_keys/.vault_ccoms.dev
tr -cd '[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | fold -w32 | head -n1 > ~/.ansible_keys/.vault_ccoms.prod
tr -cd '[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | fold -w32 | head -n1 > ~/.ansible_keys/.vault_ccoms.uat

## Rekeying vault ids
ansible-vault rekey --vault-id dev@~/.ansible_keys_back/.vault_ccoms.dev --new-vault-id dev@~/.ansible_keys/.vault_ccoms.dev environments/dev/group_vars/all/vault/ccoms_db

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  exit 1;

ansible-vault rekey --vault-id prod@~/.ansible_keys_back/.vault_ccoms.prod --new-vault-id prod@~/.ansible_keys/.vault_ccoms.prod environments/prod/group_vars/all/vault/ccoms_db

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  exit 1;

ansible-vault rekey --vault-id uat@~/.ansible_keys_back/.vault_ccoms.uat --new-vault-id uat@~/.ansible_keys/.vault_ccoms.uat environments/uat/group_vars/all/vault/ccoms_db

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  exit 1;

## replace the new files
rm -rf ./.ansible_keys && cp -r ~/.ansible_keys ./
rm -rf ~/.ansible_keys_back

Application Password rotation

Autoscalling of Microservices

Backup and Restoration of k8s resources using Heptio Velero


Before going for Monitoring setup

  • We need to have tiller component on kubernetes cluster.
  • We need dynamic nfs provision
  • Tiller : is the service that actually communicates with the Kubernetes API to manage our Helm packages.

Using Grafana and Prometheus

Basically Grafana is monitoring tool and Prometheus is a visualization tool.

Helm For customization on package installation using help, we used below options.

  • name: name to that package to identify on k8s cluster
  • namespace: install application on newly mentioned namespace
  • values: to use our customized values using yaml file, we can use this flag
  • set: to set individual attribute value

Graphana vs Kibana

Graphana- Both are the visualization tool that can be used on top of graphite,Prometheus

If you are building a monitoring system, both can do the job pretty well.
for any of the use cases that logs support — troubleshooting, forensics, development, security, Kibana is your only option.

I am choosing Kibana amongst two.

Kibana, Fluent-bit, elasticsearch and Metricbeat implemntation.

Create Persistent Volume for Storing logs parmanently.

[root@mum00aqm efk-metricbeat]# cat pv_efk.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: efk-master-volume
  storageClassName: elasticsearch-master
    storage: 10Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
    - ReadWriteMany
    server: mum00aqm
    path: /u02/pvs/master

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: efk-data-volume
  storageClassName: elasticsearch-data
    storage: 5Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
    - ReadWriteMany
    server: mum00aqm
    path: /u02/pvs/data


  • Install elasticsearch using helm.
helm install stable/elasticsearch --name=elasticsearch --namespace=logs \
--set client.replicas=1 \
--set master.replicas=1 \
--set cluster.env.MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES=1 \
--set cluster.env.RECOVER_AFTER_MASTER_NODES=1 \
--set cluster.env.EXPECTED_MASTER_NODES=1 \
--set data.replicas=1 \
--set data.heapSize=300m \
--set master.persistence.storageClass=elasticsearch-master \
--set master.persistence.size=5Gi \
--set data.persistence.storageClass=elasticsearch-data \
--set data.persistence.size=5Gi
  • Install fluent-bit
helm install stable/fluent-bit --name=fluent-bit --namespace=logs --set backend.type=es --set backend.es.host=elasticsearch-client
  • install kibana
helm install stable/kibana --name=kibana --namespace=logs --set env.ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS=http://elasticsearch-client:9200 --set service.type=NodePort --set service.nodePort=31000
  • install metricbeat

Steps will be provided soon


  • Logs of CCOMS application with some fields filtered with emp microservice

Development Setup

  1. Install eclipse IDE
  2. Clone and import project
  3. Use openjdk 1.8 libraries
  4. install lambok
  5. Install mongo db
  6. Add env variables in maven build
  7. Run microservices one by one
  8. Access and get rest apis from swagger URL
  9. Debug springboot application

Install eclipse IDE

Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers (includes Incubating components) or STS

Clone and import project

Use openjdk 1.8 libraries

Install lambok

Install Mongo db

Install mongo latest on windows or any linux version with version 4

On Windows

  • Go to below link

  • select --> on premises --> mongo db community server -> 3.4.23 then download/community

  • Create db folder under data directory

  • Go to -> C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin

    • Double click mongod.exe to start db service
    • Double click mongo.exe to get mongo terminal
  • Note- You can create windows shortcut to start mongodb

Linux docker daemon, you can use below commands

docker run -dit -p 27017:27017 --name=mongo mongo:latest
docker exec -it mongo sh
  • Run below commands on mongodb server
use admin;   
    user: "admin",
    pwd: "admin123",
    roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "admin" } ]

Add Env variable in maven build

  • Go to Run As -> Run Configurations ->
  • Update base directory -> ${project_loc:${project_name}}
  • Goals -> spring-boot:run

Note: For every microservice we will have to create maven build

Environment variables


Update MONGO_HOST and server.port for each microservice

Config -- 8888 
employee-- 8081
department -- 8082
organization -- 8083
Proxy -- 8111 

Run microservices one by one

Access and get rest apis from swagger URL

Debug Spring boot application

  • Add spring tools plugin from eclipse market place

  • Set breakpoint for debugging

  • Debug application as Spring Boot App to add entry (This has to be done once for creating run spring boot configuration)

  • Add env variables and then run.

DevOps Best Practices


Everyone/Newbies should able to build a project based on Devops technology, When i was moving from Developer to Devops most of the time i was spending in building a infrastructure. for ex. I had taken almost 2-3 weeks only for creating kubernetes cluster. If the same thing happened with newbies, they might lose there interest in devops field. Thats why i have created this project where everyone shoud take a checkout and build a project in few meenutes and start exploring devops technologies


Only hard work will help you to grow