
A simple bot that sends a message to a discord channel whenever your stream goes live

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Twitch Stream Notification Discord Bot

This bot sends a notification to a specific Discord channel every time a specified Twitch stream goes live. It is written in Node.js, using the discord.js and axios libraries.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Node.js and npm must be installed
  • A Twitch account with a registered application to get a client ID and secret are needed (Explained below)
  • A Discord account with a registered bot to get a bot token is needed (Explained below)

Getting your Twitch client ID and secret

  • Go to the Twitch Developer Console
  • Click on "Register Your Application"
  • Name your application, set OAuth Redirect URLs to http://localhost (for local development)
  • Select category as "Chat Bot"
  • Once created, click on "Manage" to see your client ID and client secret. Note these down for your .env variable

Creating your Discord bot and getting your Discord Bot token

  • Go to the Discord Developer Portal
  • Click on the "New Application" button
  • Name your application and click on "Create"
  • Go to the Bot tab and click on "Add Bot"
  • Note down the token for the .env variable

Getting your Channel ID where messages will be sent

  • Open your Discord client, click the User Settings icon (the cogwheel) near your profile picture in the bottom left corner
  • In the settings sidebar, click on Appearance under the App Settings section
  • Scroll down to the Advanced section, and toggle on the Developer Mode. This will enable a variety of developer-specific features, one of which allows you to copy IDs

Once Developer Mode is enabled, you can get the ID of any channel:

  • Go to the server that contains the channel
  • Right-click on the channel's name
  • Click "Copy ID" from the context menu
  • This ID will be needed for the .env variable

Adding the bot to the server

  • Go back to Discord Developer Portal, click on OAuth2 tab
  • In scopes, select "bot", and in bot permissions, select "Send Messages"
  • Use the generated URL to add bot to your server

Setting up the bot

  1. Clone this repository and navigate into its directory:
git clone https://github.com/svcho/Discord-Twitch-Bot.git
cd Discord-Twitch-Bot
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Create a .env file in the root directory with your Twitch and Discord credentials. Replace the placeholders with your actual values:

Running the bot

  1. Start the bot:
node index.js

You should now see the bot online in your Discord server and it will post a message whenever the specified Twitch stream goes live.

Running the bot in the background (optional)

If you want to keep the bot running even after closing the terminal or rebooting the machine, you can use a process manager like pm2.

  1. Install pm2 globally:
npm install pm2 -g
  1. Start the application with pm2:
pm2 start index.js --name "discord-bot"
  1. Make pm2 start at boot:
pm2 startup

Run the command that pm2 generates for you.

  1. Save the current process list:
pm2 save

Now, your bot should automatically start when your machine boots up.

Thats it!