
This repo is the implementations of the baselines in SVD dataset.

Primary LanguagePython


0. About the paper

This repo is the source code of the implementations of the baselines in the paper "SVD: A Large-Scale Short Video Dataset for Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval" publised on ICCV-2019. The authors are Qing-Yuan Jiang, Yi He, Gen Li, Jian Lin, Lei Li and Wu-Jun Li. If you have any questions about the source code, pls contact: linj#lamda.nju.edu.cn.

1. Running Environment

python 3

2. Running Demos

2.0. Preliminary

Directory to store some files
│    │ xxx.mp4
│    │ ...
│    │ xxxx.mp4/0000.jpg
│    │ xxxx.mp4/0001.jpg
│    │ ...
│    │ xxxx.mp4/xxxx.jpg
│    │ ...
│    │ xxxy.mp4/0000.jpg
│    │ xxxy.mp4/0001.jpg
│    │ ...
│    │ xxxy.mp4/xxxx.jpg
│    │ ...
│    │ frames-features.h5
│    │ videos-features.h5
│    │ ...

2.1. Preprocessing

2.1.1. Frame Extraction

Required files: videos in the folder: /path/to/data/videos/*.mp4.

Run the following command:

python videoprocess/frame_extraction.py --dataname svd

The extracted frames will be saved in the folder: /path/to/data/frames/. The total storage cost for frames is about 400G (358G on my device) when fps=1.

2.1.2. Deep Features Extraction

Required files: frames/xxx.mp4/xxxx.jpg in the folder: /path/to/data/frames.

Run the following command:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python videoprocess/deepfeatures_extraction.py --dataname svd

The extracted deep features for each video will be saved in the file: /path/to/data/features/frames-features.h5. This file is about 153G when fps=1.

2.1.3. Video Features Aggregations

Required files: frames-features.h5 in the folder: /path/to/data/features.

python videoprocess/videofeatures_extraction.py --dataname svd

The aggregated features for each will be stored in the file: /path/to/data/features/videos-features.h5. This file is about 8.8G when fps=1.

2.1.4. Evaluation for Brute Force Search.

Required files: features in the folder: /path/to/data/features/videos-features.h5.

Run the following command:

python demos/bfs_demo.py --dataname svd

The map is: 0.7537

2.2. Hashing based Method

Required file: features in the folder: /path/to/data/features/videos-features.h5.

2.2.1. LSH

Run the following command:

python demos/lsh_demo.py --dataname svd --approach lsh --bit 16

The map is: 0.0370

2.2.2. ITQ

Run the following command:

python demos/itq_demo.py --dataname svd --approach itq --bit 16

The map@16bits is: 0.0560

2.2.3. IsoH

Run the following command:

python demos/isoh_demo.py --dataname svd --approach isoh --bit 16

The map@16bits is: 0.0562

2.3. Real-Value based Method

2.3.1. CNNV
  • Step 1: sampling frames for clustering:

Required files: frames-features.h5 in the folder: /path/to/data/features.

python videoprocess/cnnlv_keyframe_sampling.py --dataname svd --approach cfs

Sampled frames are stored at: /path/to/data/features/cnnlv-sampling-features.h5

  • Step 2: clustering

Required files: cnnlv-sampling-features.h5 in the folder: /path/to/data/features.

python videoprocess/cnnv_clustering.py --dataname svd --approach cnnvcluster

The learned centers are stored at: /path/to/data/features/cnnv-centers.h5

  • Step 3: generating cnnv features

Required files: cnnv-centers in the folder: /path/to/data/features/cnnv-centers.h5

python videoprocess/cnnv_feature_aggregation.py --dataname svd --approach cnnvfa

The learned features are stored at: /path/to/data/features/cnnv-agg-features.h5

  • Step 4: evaluating cnnv

Required files: cnnv-aggregated features in the folder: /path/to/data/features/cnnv-agg-features.h5

python demos/cnnv_demo.py --dataname svd --approach cnnv

The map is: 0.1895

3. TODO list

  • frame extraction
  • deep feature extraction
  • brute-force demo
  • LSH demo
  • ITQ demo
  • IsoH demo
  • CNNV demo