
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Cloudformer attempts to simplify AWS Cloudformation stack creation process in ruby projects by providing reusable rake tasks to perform common operations such as apply(create/update), delete, recreate on stack along with validations on templates. Task executions which enforce a stack change will wait until ROLLBACK/COMPLETE or DELETE is signalled on the stack (useful in continuous deployment environments to wait until deployment is successful). Refer examples section for more information.

The list of rake tasks provided are:

rake apply           # Apply Stack with Cloudformation script and parameters(And wait till complete - supports updates)
rake delete          # Delete stack from CloudFormation(And wait till stack is complete)
rake events          # Get the recent events from the stack
rake outputs         # Get the outputs of stack
rake recreate        # Recreate stack(runs delete & apply)
rake status          # Get the deployed app status


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cloudformer'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cloudformer

AWS Environment configuration

Cloudformer depends on the aws-sdk gem to query AWS API. You will need to export AWS configuration to environment variables to your .bashrc/.bash_profile or your build server:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY=your access key
export AWS_REGION=ap-southeast-2
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your secret access key


You can add cloudformer tasks to your project by adding the following to your rake file:

require 'cloudformer'
Cloudformer::Tasks.new("earmark") do |t|
  t.template = "cloudformation/cloudformation.json"
  t.parameters = parameters

where cloudformation/cloudformation.json is the stack json file and parameters is a hash of parameters used in the template. For a template which takes the following parameters:

"Parameters": {
  "PackageUrl": {
    "Type": "String"
  "PackageVersion": {
    "Type": "String"

the parameter hash(Ruby Object) would look like:

  "PackageUrl" => "http://localhost/app.rpm",
  "PackageVersion" => "123"  

If you have a template with no parameters, pass an empty hash {} instead.


Here is a simple Cloudformation Stack(Code available in the samples directory) with a Single EC2 Server:

  "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
  "Description": "Cloudformer - Demo App",
  "Parameters": {
    "AmiId": {
      "Type": "String"
    "Resources": {
      "ApplicationServer": {
        "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
        "Properties": {
          "ImageId": {
            "Ref": "AmiId"
            "InstanceType": "t1.micro",
            "Monitoring": "false"
    "Outputs": {
      "Server": {
        "Value": {
          "Fn::GetAtt": [

Then, in your Rakefile add,

require 'cloudformer/tasks'

Cloudformer::Tasks.new("app") do |t|
  t.template = "basic_template.json"
  #AMI Works in Sydney region only, ensure you supply the right AMI.
  t.parameters = {"AmiId" => "ami-8da439b7"}

You should then see following commands:

rake apply     # Apply Stack with Cloudformation script and parameters
rake delete    # Delete stack from CloudFormation
rake events    # Get the recent events from the stack
rake outputs   # Get the outputs of stack
rake recreate  # Recreate stack
rake status    # Get the deployed app status

Running rake status gives us:

  app - Not Deployed

Running rake apply will create an environment or update existing depending on the nature of action requested in parameters:

Initializing stack creation...
2013-10-24 07:55:24 UTC - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - User Initiated
2013-10-24 07:55:36 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS -
2013-10-24 07:55:37 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - Resource creation Initiated
2013-10-24 07:56:25 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_COMPLETE -
2013-10-24 07:56:26 UTC - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack - CREATE_COMPLETE -

Running rake apply again gives us:

No updates are to be performed.

To remove the stack rake delete gives us:

Attempting to delete stack - app
2013-10-24 07:55:24 UTC - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - User Initiated
2013-10-24 07:55:36 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS -
2013-10-24 07:55:37 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - Resource creation Initiated
2013-10-24 07:56:25 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_COMPLETE -
2013-10-24 07:56:26 UTC - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack - CREATE_COMPLETE -
2013-10-24 07:58:54 UTC - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack - DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - User Initiated
2013-10-24 07:58:56 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - DELETE_IN_PROGRESS -

Attempts to delete a non-existing stack will result in:

Attempting to delete stack - app
Stack not up.

To recreate the stack use rake recreate:

Attempting to delete stack - app
2013-10-24 08:04:11 UTC - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - User Initiated
2013-10-24 08:04:22 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS -
2013-10-24 08:04:23 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - Resource creation Initiated
2013-10-24 08:05:12 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_COMPLETE -
2013-10-24 08:05:13 UTC - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack - CREATE_COMPLETE -
2013-10-24 08:05:52 UTC - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack - DELETE_IN_PROGRESS - User Initiated
2013-10-24 08:06:02 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - DELETE_IN_PROGRESS -
Stack deleted successfully.
Initializing stack creation...
2013-10-24 08:06:31 UTC - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - User Initiated
2013-10-24 08:06:52 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS -
2013-10-24 08:06:54 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - Resource creation Initiated
2013-10-24 08:07:41 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_COMPLETE -
Server -  -

To see the stack outputs rake outputs:

Server -  -

To see recent events on the stack rake events:

2013-10-24 08:06:31 UTC - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - User Initiated
2013-10-24 08:06:52 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS -
2013-10-24 08:06:54 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_IN_PROGRESS - Resource creation Initiated
2013-10-24 08:07:41 UTC - AWS::EC2::Instance - CREATE_COMPLETE -
2013-10-24 08:07:43 UTC - AWS::CloudFormation::Stack - CREATE_COMPLETE -


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request