
This libs works to convert a json schema to a glue schema struct.

Primary LanguagePython

Jsonschema to Glue struct

A small library that works to read your provided jsonschema and convert it to a glue struct model, in this way you can integrate it in your pipeline or uses it just to get a output and insert manually in your glue table schema.

PyPI PyPI - Python Version PyPI License


pip install glue-struct-transform

Get Started

How to convert a full json schema to a glue struct schema using this lib

import json
from glue_struct_transform import GlueStructTransform

# Read or set your json schema
schema = open(f'YOUR_JSON_SCHEMA.json',)
schemaLoad = json.load(schema)

# Pass your json schema in dict type to the function
result = GlueStructTransform.json_schema_to_glue_struct(schemaLoad)

How to convert a object into the json schema to a glue struct schema using this lib

import json
from glue_struct_transform import GlueStructTransform

# Read or set your json schema
schema = open(f'YOUR_JSON_SCHEMA.json',)
schemaLoad = json.load(schema)

# Pass your json schema in dict type to the function
result = GlueStructTransform.json_schema_to_glue_struct(schemaLoad, objectField = "objectKey", fullSchema = False)

How to convert a full json to a glue struct schema using this lib

import json
from glue_struct_transform import GlueStructTransform

# Read or set your json schema
payload = open(f'YOUR_JSON_FILE.json',)
payloadLoad = json.load(payload)

# Pass your json schema in dict type to the function
result = GlueStructTransform.json_schema_to_glue_struct(payloadLoad)

How to convert a object into the json file to a glue struct schema using this lib

import json
from glue_struct_transform import GlueStructTransform

# Read or set your json schema
payload = open(f'YOUR_JSON_FILE.json',)
payloadLoad = json.load(payload)

# Pass your json schema in dict type to the function
result = GlueStructTransform.json_schema_to_glue_struct(payloadLoad, objectField = "objectKey", fullBody = False)

Conversions implementation status

From From Type Glue Schema type Implementation status Version
Json Schema string string implemented 0.1.0
Json Schema number double implemented 0.1.0
Json Schema integer int implemented 0.1.0
Json Schema object struct implemented 0.1.0
Json Schema array array implemented 0.1.0
Json Schema boolean boolean implemented 0.1.0
Json Schema null Raises exception implemented 0.1.2
Json str string implemented 0.3.0
Json float double implemented 0.3.0
Json int int implemented 0.3.0
Json dict struct implemented 0.3.0
Json list array implemented 0.3.0
Json null Raises exception implemented 0.3.0