
Makes the Linux virtual console look like the Commodore AmigaOS shell (formerly hosted at http://gnu.ethz.ch/linuks.mine.nu/amiga/ and now hosted at http://www.aiei.ch/linux/amiga/ )

Primary LanguageShell


This script was formerly here, but the page seems to have disappeared.

The FreeCode page of the project.

(amigashell-2.3-4-any.pkg.tar.xz is the Arch Linux AUR package salvaged with bacman.)


Start with

systemctl start amigashell.service

Run automatically at boot with

systemctl enable amigashell.service

For the full experience, put

source /usr/share/amigashell/amigashell.env 

in your ~/.bashrc file.

Original description

Also see reconstructed original HTML page in "html_archived/" directory; based on archive.org

AmigaSHELL makes your boring gray on black colored bash shell revive like in the old days. Just like on Amiga(tm), blue, white, orange, black at its finest. With a nice informational bar at the top. (ascii graphics not included, go to www.asciipr0n.com)

tested on debian gnu/linux (x86 and sparc)

send me a letter or screenshot freshmeat.net record download theme for wmpinboard

download and install amigashell-2.3.tar.gz amigashell-2.3.tar.bz2

(be root)
make install
amigashell start
cd /etc/rc2.d
ln -s ../init.d/amigashell S99amigashell

changelog old versions "Where have all the Amigas gone?" - AmigaSHELL got mentioned in Linux Format (page 43, issue 21, December 2001), here is a scan. Thanks to James W. Robinson from here.