
root-config for Svelte micro frontends

Primary LanguageHTML

root-config - Svelte Micro-Frontends

This is a simple Micro-Frontends demo project built with single-spa using Svelte

This website is a single-spa adaptation of the website created by Cam Jackson to demonstrate just one way that micro frontends can be implemented using Svelte.

Micro frontends is an architectural style where independently deliverable frontend applications are composed into a greater whole. It's useful for breaking up monolithic frontend codebases into smaller, simpler applications that can be delivered to production by multiple teams independently.

To read more about the technique, including a full explanation of how the code for this demo works, check out the long-form article that Cam wrote for martinfowler.com.


Local Development

1. Start the root-config app

yarn start

2. Start the respective micro frontends

For example, for starting the container and restaurants mfes(micro frontends),


cd container
npm run dev


cd restaurants
npm run dev