- 1
Local & Session Storage not working
#34 opened by ktryndchrs - 0
Broken link in search results
#251 opened by benmccann - 1
docs: copy code button does not stay in place when scrolling horizontally
#253 opened by eltigerchino - 4
- 1
Error: loadAndValidateConfig() has been deprecated in favor of loadConfiguration() and createConfiguration().
#36 opened by kadevland - 2
Link color on site is inaccessible
#33 opened by geoffrich - 2
- 2
Docs: Scrollbar behind header
#244 opened by brunnerh - 1
Incompatible with `marked` version 13
#296 opened by benmccann - 1
Copyright out of date
#281 opened by msilis - 2
First link on "On this page" for Docs doesn't provides and href for the anchor.
#277 opened by SrGeneroso - 0
"<" and ">" don't render properly in searchbox
#275 opened by xyzqm - 0
Home Link is off center
#246 opened by dreitzner - 0
- 0
Output toggle CSS doesn't hide system styles
#24 opened by benschac - 0
search shows inconsistent state
#173 opened by ivanhofer - 2
Links on site cannot be selected
#31 opened by peopledrivemecrazy - 0
- 2
- 2
- 1
Links are inaccessible for keyboard users
#10 opened by BillyLevin - 0
Wrong toggle-switch head position
#13 opened by hallazzang - 0
'Edit this section' button incorrectly routes to Svelte project on the Sapper docs site
#2 opened by esbeto