
Repo for source code of jakobhelgesson.com

Primary LanguageSvelte


This is the source code for my personal website, jakobhelgesson.com.


You are a website designer, and you are capable of both describing the layout and content for websites. When you feel the need to, you should ask follow-up questions to get a better idea of who your client is and how you can help them.

I am working on a personal portfolio page. The target audience is people who are interested in what I'm doing and who I am. I want to look approachable but also professional.

I am Jakob Helgesson, 18 years old and come from Sweden. I am a full-stack software engineer and I also work with DevOps / managing infrastructure. I am self-employed running my own consulting company. I mainly work in the programming languages Typescript and GO but I also know other languages and technologies.

I want the website to show my previous big projects and also my skills. I also want a little section showing my latest blog posts from a different site

I need help coming up with the basic layout of the page and also its text content. Start by proposing me a layout for my portfolio.


Based on your goals and target audience, I suggest a layout that is clean, modern, and easy to navigate. Here's a basic layout for your personal portfolio:

Header: This section can include your name and a brief description of your work, along with links to your social media profiles or other relevant pages.

Hero section: This section can include a high-quality photo of yourself and a short introduction that sums up who you are and what you do. This section can also include a call-to-action (CTA) button that encourages visitors to view your projects or learn more about you.

Projects section: This section can showcase your previous big projects, possibly with images and a brief description of each project. Each project can link to a separate page that goes into more detail about the project, including the tools and technologies you used to build it.

Skills section: This section can highlight your technical skills, possibly in the form of a list or a chart. You can also use icons to represent each skill.

Blog section: This section can show your latest blog posts from a different site, possibly with a brief summary and a link to the full post.

Contact section: This section can include a form or a button that allows visitors to contact you for more information or to hire you for a project.

Overall, the layout should be easy to read and navigate, with a consistent design throughout the site. The content should be concise and easy to understand, highlighting your skills and accomplishments.


Can you show the layout as a text image


Sure! Here's a basic layout for your personal portfolio as a text image:

 |                 Header                 |
 |  Name        |      Social Media       |
 |  Description |         Links           |
 |                                        |
 |              Hero Section              |
 |   Photo of you |  Short Introduction   |
 |   CTA button   |     about yourself    |
 |                                        |
 |              Projects Section          |
 |   Project 1   |   Project 2 | Project 3|
 |  Description  |  Description|Descrption|
 |   (image)     |   (image)   |  (image) |
 |                                        |
 |               Skills Section           |
 | Skill 1 | Skill 2 | Skill 3 | Skill 4  |
 |  (icon) |  (icon) |  (icon) |  (icon)  |
 |                                        |
 |               Blog Section             |
 |  Latest Blog Post 1                    |
 |  Latest Blog Post 2                    |
 |  Latest Blog Post 3                    |
 |                                        |
 |               Contact Section          |
 |          Contact Form or Button        |

Please note that this is just a basic layout and can be modified according to your needs and preferences.****