
Library wrapping the Cassandra-unit framework, simplifying tests and avoids port conflicts

Primary LanguageGroovyMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status codecov.io Release Open Source Love


Cassandra Testbase

Library wrapping the Cassandra Unit framework and takes care of port and directory mapping automatically.

Main Features

  • Creates an embedded Cassandra node for unit testing internally
  • Checks for open ports at startup and assigns automatically to the server
  • Runs the embedded instance under a unique temp folder, multiple builds can execute in parallel

How to use

Add the library as a test dependency and extend CassandraTestBase in your unit test class.


Add following to the build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.svenakela:Cassandra-Testbase:+'

Other build tools examples can be found here.


To create a session with the CassandraSession you must get the port where the embedded instance is listening:

private String contactpoint = "localhost:" + getCassandraPort();

CassandraSession session = new CassandraSession.SessionBuilder(contactpoint)

Write tests

Example of a Java Junit test using the CassandraSession library

public class CassandraExecutorTest extends CassandraTestBase {

    static CassandraSession session;

    public static void init() {

        session = new CassandraSession.SessionBuilder("localhost:" + getCassandraPort())
                .andReplication("{'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'}")

        session.getExecutor().execute(new SimpleStatement(
                "create table testexecutor(id int primary key, test text)"));

    public void executeSync() {

        final CassandraExecutor exec = session.getExecutor();

        assertEquals(0, exec.execute(new SimpleStatement(
                "select * from testexecutor where id = 666")).all().size());
        assertEquals(0, exec.execute(new SimpleStatement(
                "insert into testexecutor(id, test) values (1, 'x')")).all().size());

Running a Groovy Spock test:

class VerifyKeyspaceTest extends Specification {

    def 'verify that a cluster is created'() {

        def cassandra = new CassandraTestBase()
        def session = Cluster.builder()
        ResultSet rs = session.execute('select release_version from system.local')
        rs.one().getString('release_version') != ''