Github Repository: Author: Sven Buder (ANU, for this Github Repository. Literature data from the respective sources (cite them!)
If this is not enough information for you, also check out the Hypatia catalag by Hinkel et al. (2014).
├── cya_easier.ipynb -> Your script if you want to compare your abundances with the literature
├── create_cya.ipynb -> My script to read in the raw literature files and homogenise their keywords + data
├── literature_bibtex.bib -> LaTeX bibliography style of all used literature, for easier citation
├── literature_raw_files/ -> Literature files as typically downloaded from the VizieR (some files needed to be merged and adjusted)
├── literature_abundances/ -> Homogenised files, sorted into individual elements
| ├── Li/ -> individual homogenised FITS files for Li
| ├── C/ -> individual homogenised FITS files for C
| └── .../ -> ...
└── figures/ -> figure output directory for cya_easier.ipynb