Jooq Generator

Idea: Use a spring-boot commandline app to generate the JOOQ code. This scope of this project should only restrict to JOOQ Code Generation and not be an application in addition.

Technology / Architecture

Use Spring Boot with Testcontainers support.

Why? Because:

  • With Spring Boot one can benefit from the spring features like

    • testcontainer support

    • automatic schema creation support (through schema.sql or flyway-migrations)

    • dependency injection support

  • Commandline bc. the code needs to be generated only once

Note: Spring Boot could be replaced with a standard Java main program, as long as the testcontainers and the automatic schema creation can be supported.

During startup the JOOQ Code Generator will be invoked programmatically and not in the build script.

Use Cases

Existing DB

If you just have a running DB somewhere adjust the properties in org.svenehrke.springcmdlinejooq.SpringCmdlineJooqApplication.generateJooqCode() and run the application.

Existing project with schema.sql

  • Copy schema.sql from your project into this one to src/main/resources and run the application.

Existing project which uses flyway

  • Copy the flyway migrations from your project into this one to src/main/resources/db/migration and run the application.

For all usecases: having ran the application copy the generated sources from build/generated/sources/jooq into the source of your target project. Add the jooq dependency to your target’s build system. Done.

Improvement ideas

  • somehow link schema.sql or flyway migration scripts instead of copying them into this project

  • try to do it in a simple JBang script
