
Welsh: missing translations for CY locale

digitalfrost opened this issue ยท 16 comments

Missing translations (10) | i18n-tasks v0.9.37
| Locale | Key                                                              | Value in other locales or source                             |
|   cy   | activerecord.errors.messages.restrict_dependent_destroy.has_many | en Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist    |
|   cy   | activerecord.errors.messages.restrict_dependent_destroy.has_one  | en Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists |
|   cy   | datetime.distance_in_words.x_years                               | en {"one"=>"1 year", "other"=>"%{count} years"}              |
|   cy   | errors.messages.model_invalid                                    | en Validation failed: %{errors}                              |
|   cy   | errors.messages.other_than                                       | en must be other than %{count}                               |
|   cy   | errors.messages.present                                          | en must be blank                                             |
|   cy   | errors.messages.required                                         | en must exist                                                |
|   cy   | errors.template.header                                           | zero, few                                                    |
|   cy   | number.human.storage_units.units.eb                              | en EB                                                        |
|   cy   | number.human.storage_units.units.pb                              | en PB                                                        |

Linked to #990 Fix the specs (CY translation)

pama commented

I'm trying to find someone to help, but is not being easy ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

The cy locale file has been temporarily removed until we can get help from a Welsh speaker.
Please go back to commit 3c4a77a to find the cy.yml file that has most of keys already translated except from those in this ticket.

Is there any progress on this? I can help get hold of Welsh speakers if you need?

Removing all the Welsh translations will break the Welsh version of which is we'll lose the translations for words like Monday, April... if we updated to 7.0.6.

pama commented

@chao-xian the missing translations are stated at #1006. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!

Methu dileu cofnod oherwydd bod %{record} yn bodoli
Methu dileu cofnod oherwydd bod %{record} yn bodoli
{"one"=>"1 flwyddyn", "other"=>"%{count} blwyddyn"}
Wedi methu dilysu: %{errors}
rhaid eithrio %{count}
rhaid bod yn wag
rhaid bodoli
sero, ychydig

(skipped EB and PB)

From a 24/7 Welsh speaker when at their family home.

pama commented

@chao-xian Thanks you so much, I will try to merge that tonight.

You're very welcome @pama glad to be able to help

FWIW, the Welsh Government runs Helo Blod which translates up to 500 words per month for free.

pama commented

Unfortunately, we still miss one entry:

in: "must be in %{count}"

in: "rhaid bod o fewn %{count}" apparently! Again from same source.

Hey there, fluent Welsh speaking Rails dev here ๐Ÿ‘‹

How can I help get cy added back to the library?

pama commented

Hey. I forgot this issue. My apologies. @AledBidder I will push a PR over the weekend and ask for your review/contribution.

Thank you Diolch @pama! ๐Ÿ™Œ ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ

Stumbled across this from a Google search. Can it be closed? Looks like it was resolved in #1103 ๐Ÿ™

pama commented

@ChrisBAshton is not clear to us if the CY is complete or accurate.