
TYPO3 Extension news

Primary LanguagePHP

TYPO3 Extension news Build Status

Versatile news extension, based on extbase & fluid. It is editor friendly, default integration of social sharing and many other features.


  • TYPO3 7.6 - 8.x (use branch 6x for TYPO3 6.2 LTS)


The full documentation can be found on (docs.typo3.org)1. However the usage is fairly straight forward!


  1. Install the extension by using the extension manager or by using composer composer require georgringer/news.
  2. Include the static TypoScript of the extension
  3. Optional: If you are templates are based on Twitter Bootstrap, add the TWB styles as well to get optimized templates


  1. Create some news records on a sysfolder.
  2. Create a plugin on a page and select at least the sysfolder as startingpoint.