The Open Project System (OPS) is a user-friendly online system which organisations can use to submit bids for funding.
The system is used to:
- Create and submit new bids for grant funding
- Assess and approve bids
- Monitor project progress (both internal GLA projects and those submitted by partners)
- Report on key milestones, outputs and risks
- Make payments and issue reclaims
- Monitor budgets, expenditure and forecasts
- Audit changes and record decisions
- Submit and approve recycled grant annual returns
Backend (Java) application code is in src/main/java under each appropriate MVN root
Backend (Java) test code is in src/test/java under each appropriate MVN root
User interface (JavaScript/Angular) code is in gla-ops-application/src/main/ui and gla-ops-application/src/main/gla-ui
The UI is built using npm and the back-end using mvn