This module provides functions for plotting data extracted from Oxford Nanopore sequencing reads and alignments, but some of it's functions can also be used for other applications.
- Check if a specified color is a valid matplotlib color
- Check if a specified output format is valid
- Create a bivariate plot with dots, hexbins and/or kernel density estimates. Also arguments for specifying axis names, color and xlim/ylim.
scatter(x, y, names, path, color, format, plots, stat=None, log=False, minvalx=0, minvaly=0)
- Create cumulative yield plot and evaluate read length and quality over time
timePlots(df, path, color, format)
- Create length distribution histogram and density curve
lengthPlots(array, name, path, n50, color, format, log=False)
- Create flowcell physical layout in numpy array
- Present the activity (number of reads) per channel on the flowcell as a heatmap
spatialHeatmap(array, title, path, color, format)
pip install nanoplotter
conda install -c bioconda nanoplotter