
Conda recipes for building ilastik dependencies.

Primary LanguageShell

=================== ilastik-build-conda

ilastik depends on 60+ packages. Most of those packages are already provided for us by the Anaconda Python distribution. For 20+ the packages that aren't provided by Anaconda, we use the recipes in this repo.

These recipes are built using the conda-build tool. The resulting binaries are uploaded to the ilastik anaconda channel, and can be installed using the conda package manager.

======== Contents

Installing ilastik for development

Here's how to install everything you need to develop ilastik.

  1. Prerequisite: Install Miniconda

# Install miniconda to the prefix of your choice, e.g. /my/miniconda

wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
bash Miniconda-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh

# MAC:
wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh
bash Miniconda-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh

# Activate conda
CONDA_ROOT=`conda info --root`
source ${CONDA_ROOT}/bin/activate root
  1. Create a fresh environment, and install ilastik

To install everything but tracking, this command is enough:

conda create -n ilastik-devel -c ilastik ilastik-everything-but-tracking

If you have CPLEX on your machine, you can install the full ilastik development setup, including tracking. First, install cplex-shared to any (temporary) environment:

CPLEX_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/cplex conda create -n throw-away -c ilastik cplex-shared
conda remove --all -n throw-away

That command generated the necessary cplex .so files in-place (if necessary), and also recorded the value of CPLEX_ROOT_DIR to your root directory.

Now you can install everything, including tracking:

conda create -n ilastik-devel -c ilastik ilastik-everything
  1. Run ilastik

${CONDA_ROOT}/envs/ilastik-devel/run_ilastik.sh --debug
  1. (Optional) Clone ilastik git repo

So far, our environment contains the ilastik source, but not the git repos. If you need to edit the ilastik python code, replace the ilastik-meta directory with the full git repo.

CONDA_ROOT=`conda info --root`
conda remove -n ilastik-devel ilastik-meta

# Re-install ilastik-meta.pth
cat > ${DEV_PREFIX}/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ilastik-meta.pth << EOF

# Option 1: clone a fresh copy of ilastik-meta
git clone http://github.com/ilastik/ilastik-meta ${DEV_PREFIX}/ilastik-meta
cd ${DEV_PREFIX}/ilastik-meta
git submodule update --init --recursive
git submodule foreach "git checkout master"

# Option 2: Symlink to a pre-existing working copy, if you have one.
cd ${DEV_PREFIX} && ln -s /path/to/ilastik-meta

Generating a release binary

  1. (Prerequisite) Update the version number.

  2. Edit ilastik.__version_info__ (in ilastik/__init__.py) and commit your change.

  3. Commit to ilastik-meta and add a matching git tag:

     cd ${DEV_PREFIX}/ilastik-meta
     git commit -m "Alpha Release 1.2.3a4" ilastik lazyflow volumina
     git push origin master
     git tag -m "Alpha Release" -a 1.2.3a4
     git push --tags origin
  4. Update the git_tag in ilastik-meta/meta.yaml and commit.

  5. Build ilastik-meta and ilastik-everything packages, and upload to the ilastik anaconda channel.

     conda build ilastik-meta ilastik-everything
     anaconda upload -u ilastik ${CONDA_ROOT}/conda-bld/linux-64/ilastik-meta*.tar.bz2
     anaconda upload -u ilastik ${CONDA_ROOT}/conda-bld/linux-64/ilastik-everything*.tar.bz2
  6. (Optional) Install to a local environment and test

     conda create -n test-env -c ilastik ilastik-everything=1.2.3a4
     cd ${CONDA_ROOT}/envs/test-env
  7. Create tarball/app


         $ grep Usage ./create-tarball.sh
         ## Usage: create-tarball.sh [--git-latest] [--no-tracking] [... extra install-args, e.g. --use-local or -c ilastik ...]
         $ ./create-tarball.sh -c ilastik


         $ grep Usage ./osx-packages/create-osx-app.sh
         ## Usage: create-osx-app.sh [--zip] [--git-latest] [--no-tracking] [... extra install-args, e.g. --use-local or -c ilastik ...]
         $ ./osx-packages/create-osx-app.sh --zip -c ilastik

If any options are used, they must be passed in this order:

- `--zip`: (Mac only) After creating the `.app` bundle, compress it into a `.zip` file.  
- `--git-latest`: Use the latest `master` branch of `ilastik`, `lazyflow`, and `volumina` instead of the most recent tag. (Don't use for official releases.)
- `--no-tracking`: Omit tracking-specific dependencies
- `--use-local`: Tells conda to use your custom builds of each package, if available.
- `-c ilastik`: Tells conda to use packages from the ilastik channel (in case it's missing from `~/.condarc`).

How to build these packages yourself

All of the recipes in this repo should already be uploaded to the ilastik anaconda channel. The linux packages were built on CentOS 5.11, so they should be compatible with most modern distros. The Mac packages were built with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.7, so they should theoretically support OSX 10.7+.

But if, for some reason, you need to build your own binary packages from these recipes, it should be easy to do so:

# Prerequisite: Install conda-build and jinja2
source activate root
conda install conda-build jinja2

# Clone the ilastik build recipes
git clone http://github.com/ilastik/ilastik-build-conda
cd ilastik-build-conda

# Build a recipe, e.g:
conda build vigra

# Now install your newly built package, directly from your local build directory:
conda install --use-local -n ilastik-devel vigra

Now run ilastik from with your ilastik meta-repo:

cd /path/to/ilastik-meta

# Run ilastik
PYTHONPATH="ilastik:lazyflow:volumina" python ilastik/ilastik.py

Appendix: Writing a new recipe

The conda documentation explains in detail how to create a new package, but here's a quick summary:

  1. Prerequisite: Install conda-build

source activate root
conda install conda-build jinja2
  1. Create recipe files

Add a directory to this repo:

cd ilastik-build-conda
mkdir somepackage
cd somepackage

A complete recipe has at least 3 files:

  • meta.yaml
  • build.sh (used for both Mac and Linux)
  • bld.bat (used for Windows)

...additional files (such as patches) may be needed for some recipes.

Write meta.yaml:

$ cat > meta.yaml
  name: somepackage
  version: 1.2.3

  fn: somepackage-1.2.3.tar.bz2
  url: http://www.randompackages.org/somepackage/somepackage-1.2.3.tar.bz2
  md5: b060bb137d6bd8accf8f0c4c59d2746d

    - zlib
    - python
    - zlib
    - python

  home: http://www.somepackage.com
  license: WYSIWYG v3

Write build.sh:

$ cat > build.sh
# configure, make, and install
configure --prefix=$PREFIX --with-zlib=$PREFIX
make -j${CPU_COUNT}
make install

Write bld.bat:

$ cat > bld.bat
mkdir build
cd build

REM Configure step

REM Build step
devenv SomePackage.sln /Build "%RELEASE_TARGET%"
if errorlevel 1 exit 1

REM Install step
devenv SomePackage.sln /Build "%RELEASE_TARGET%" /Project INSTALL
if errorlevel 1 exit 1
  1. Build the package

# Switch back to the `ilastik-build-conda` directory
$ cd ../

# Build the package
$ conda build somepackage
  1. Upload the package to your anaconda channel.

conda install anaconda-client

# Upload to your personal channel:
anaconda upload /my/miniconda/conda-bld/osx-64/somepackage-1.2.3-0.tar.bz2

# Or to ilastik's anaconda channel:
anaconda upload -u ilastik /my/miniconda/conda-bld/osx-64/somepackage-1.2.3-0.tar.bz2

Appendix: Compiler details

When writing your own recipes, use gcc provided by conda.

Instead of using your system compiler, all of our C++ packages use the gcc package provided by conda itself (or our own variation of it). On Mac, using gcc is critical because some packages require a modern (C++11) version of libstdc++. On Linux, using conda's gcc-4.8 is an easy way to get C++11 support on old OSes, such as our CentOS 5.11 build VM.

To use the gcc package, add these requirements to your meta.yaml file:

    - gcc 4.8.5 # [linux]
    - gcc 4.8.5 # [osx]
    - libgcc

And in build.sh, make sure you use the right gcc executable. For example:

export CC=${PREFIX}/bin/gcc
export CXX=${PREFIX}/bin/g++

# conda provides default values of these on Mac OS X,
# but we don't want them when building with gcc
export CFLAGS=""
export CXXFLAGS=""
export LDFLAGS=""

./configure --prefix=${PREFIX} ...etc...
make install

# Or, for cmake-based packages:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. \
    -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${PREFIX}/bin/gcc \

make install

Appendix: Linux VM Details

The Anaconda distribution is built on a CentOS 5.11 VM. To build the ilastik stack on that OS, you'll need to install the following:

Appendix: TODO/TBD

  • General

  • In cases where we provide an alternative build of a package that Continuum already provides, we need to make sure our special channel takes priority over the defaults channel used by conda. (Edit: Ideally, we could just use a custom "build string", but due to conda/conda#918, that doesn't work. Instead, we just use a deliberately strange version number in our custom packages, e.g. version:

  • It would be nice if we built "debug" versions of important packages (e.g. Python, vigra, Qt) and attached them to the [debug] conda-build "feature".

  • The final binaries produced via create-Linux-tarball.sh and create-osx-app.sh are quite large. They could be reduced by excluding unecessary dylibs and stripping the remaining dylibs. Also, directories like include, etc. should be excluded.

  • Mac

  • For unknown reasons, the py2app module does not work "out-of-the-box" for this conda build. (The resulting app crashes frequently.) It probably has something to do with our new dependency on gcc-4.8 and libgcc. The current version of create-osx-app.sh uses a hacky workaround for this issue. It would be nice if we could figure out what the real issue is.

  • Windows

  • So far, this repo includes no package build scripts for Windows.

  • Generate a final binary package from the built dependencies

  • Should we attempt to track different versions of the MSVC++ std library via a conda "feature"?