First, clone this project, then go into botsing-demo
If required, download the latest version of botsing-reproduction.jar
from here. There is already a botsing-reproduction jar in botsing-demo
, that will run fine, but may be outdated.
For using Botsing, you need to provide two data:
- The compiled version of the software under test (SUT): a folder containing all the
files required to run the software under test. As an example, you can seeapplications/LANG-9b
. - Crash Log: the file with the stack trace. The stack trace should be clean (no error message) and cannot contain any nested exceptions. As an example, you can see
Run botsing with the following command:
java -jar <Path_to_botsing-reproduction.jar> -project_cp <Path_to_Directory_with_SUT_jars> -crash_log <Path_to_crash_log> -target_frame <Level_of_target_frame> -Dsearch_budget=<time_in_second> -D<property=value>
Path to the latest version of the botsing-reproduction jar file.
Path to the compiled version of the software under test.
Path to a file File with the stack trace.
This argument indicates that the user wants to replicate the first n
lines of the stack trace.
Maximum search duration in seconds.
Since Botsing uses EvoSuite during the search process, the user can set the evosuite properties through Botsing. For more information about the EvoSuite options click here.
As an example, you can run the following sample command in this demo:
java -jar botsing-reproduction-1.0.7.jar -project_cp applications/LANG-9b -crash_log crashes/LANG-9b.log -target_frame 5 -Dsearch_budget=180 -Dtest_dir=results -Dpopulation=50
After running this command, Botsing strives to generate a replicator test, which throws a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
(as is indicated in crashes/LANG-9b.log
) including first 5 frames of this stack trace, for 2 minutes.
Botsing stops searching either when it reaches the replicator test or when its search budget is finished.
If Botsing achieves to the replicator test, it will save it in the output directory (crash-reproduction-tests
by default).
If we run this test on the software under test, it throws the same stack trace as the given one.
For instance, one of the result of the sample command, which we mentioned in the previous section, is the following test (The generated test is different everytime):
@Test(timeout = 4000)
public void test0() throws Throwable {
Locale locale0 = FastDateParser.JAPANESE_IMPERIAL;
TimeZone timeZone0 = TimeZone.getDefault();
FastDateParser fastDateParser0 = null;
try {
fastDateParser0 = new FastDateParser("GMTJST", timeZone0, locale0);
fail("Expecting exception: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");
} catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// 4
Remove try/catch from the generated test:
@Test(timeout = 4000)
public void test0() throws Throwable {
Locale locale0 = FastDateParser.JAPANESE_IMPERIAL;
TimeZone timeZone0 = TimeZone.getDefault();
FastDateParser fastDateParser0 = null;
fastDateParser0 = new FastDateParser("GMTJST", timeZone0, locale0);
fail("Expecting exception: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException");
Go to the the generated test directory
cd crash-reproduction-tests
Collect the classpaths
for i in ../applications/LANG-9b/*.jar; do echo -n $i":"; done > classpath.txt
Compile test
javac -cp $(cat classpath.txt) org/apache/commons/lang3/time/
Run the generated test
java -cp $(cat classpath.txt) org.junit.runner.JUnitCore org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateParser_ESTest
The test should throw the following exception:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 4
at org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateParser.toArray(
at org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateParser.getDisplayNames(
at org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateParser$TextStrategy.addRegex(
at org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateParser.init(
at org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateParser.<init>(
at org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateParser_ESTest.test0(
The generated exception reproduces the one present in the original crash log (see crashes/LANG-9b.log
). So now you have a new test that reproduces an existing stack trace !
To model inference, we need to use botsing-model-generation
tool. The input parameters for this tool are:
java -jar botsing-model-generation-1.0.7.jar -project_cp <Path_to_Directory_with_SUT_jars> -project_prefix <prefix_of_classes_for_analysis> -out_dir <directory_to_save_generated_models>
In our example, we can generate the models for LANG-9b
by following command:
java -jar botsing-model-generation-1.0.7.jar -project_cp applications/LANG-9b -project_prefix org.apache.commons.lang3 -out_dir models-lang
After model inference, we need to pass the directory of models to botsing by -model
parameter. Also, we should set the probability of model usage during the search process by -Dp_object_pool
For LANG-9b
example, we can run the following command:
java -jar botsing-reproduction-1.0.7.jar -project_cp applications/LANG-9b -crash_log crashes/LANG-9b.log -target_frame 6 -Dsearch_budget=180 -model models-lang/models -Dp_object_pool=1.0 -Dtest_dir=results -Dpopulation=50