
Wget Footer Command Fails When Directory Contains Apostrophe's in the Name

d-air1 opened this issue · 3 comments

d-air1 commented

Example folder title "The Rabbit's Foot"

Generated wget command
wget -rcnHp -R 'index.html*' 'http://localhost:9991/The%20Rabbit's%20Foot/?raw=true'

The issue is here is that the apostrophe after the word Rabbit acts as a closing quote. This makes the apostrophe after the word true a dangling starting quote.

Perhaps switch to double quotes for the outside of the command?

I think it'd be better to just properly escape these as otherwise people with " in file names will run into the same problems. Would you like to take a stab at fixing this?

d-air1 commented
d-air1 commented

Closing since the PR was merged.