- 8
Suggestion: "pastebin" feature
#1475 opened by Zeor-Xain - 3
.version add website
#1479 opened by sonichy - 1
When using miniserve behind nginx as a proxy, it loads but when trying to access any files or subfolders i get 403 forbidden
#1486 opened by ispyridis - 0
Uploads are broken when using podman
#1485 opened by Prajjwal - 4
Honor .hidden when not using --hidden
#1481 opened by ssokolow - 1
HTML source add line break
#1480 opened by sonichy - 2
Feature request: custom subtitle
#1351 opened by sandyboxy - 2
Add healthcheck route
#1435 opened by winston0410 - 3
Failed test bind_ipv4_ipv6::case_2
#1305 opened by amakeenk - 1
Feature Request: Internationalization Support.
#1477 opened by xb284524239 - 1
(systemd) error: unexpected argument ' ' found
#1283 opened by Karmenzind - 3
How to list all drivers as root folders on Windows?
#1476 opened by xb284524239 - 1
Server-side display of upload/download progress
#1474 opened by ssokolow - 1
- 6
Running with multiple replicas
#1424 opened by ffzzhong - 0
CSS not working when root domain not accessible
#1406 opened by brandonfl - 1
support upload file
#1468 opened by lucasjinreal - 0
Private folder / files
#1467 opened by akhildevelops - 1
recognized as a malware by win10 defender
#1464 opened by areur3ady - 0
#1461 opened by karan-ux-max - 3
Feature request: Live reload
#1459 opened by keybits - 1
OVERWRITE_FILES env var is not prefixed
#1457 opened by lahwaacz - 2
- 3
new release for rust 0.80.x, please?
#1449 opened by colemickens - 3
No rename option, only overwrite
#1452 opened by 107295472 - 5
Wget footers : hostname:port is repeated
#1350 opened by jgranduel - 0
Error when folder ends with a colon
#1450 opened by hellodword - 0
Feature Request: Delete file
#1448 opened by sgohl - 2
Feature request: Redirect support
#1437 opened by adrianrudnik - 4
Feature Request: Case folding
#1445 opened by Quackdoc - 12
rendering markdown files?
#1355 opened by pdobsan - 0
Feature request:support for --exclude globbing
#1443 opened by arkxfly - 3
Remove trailing colon
#1440 opened by QuarticCat - 0
Archive creation fails if there is a broken symlink
#1441 opened by greenmaid - 3
Suggestion - Pin the false positive antivirus alerts
#1414 opened by rinze24 - 4
ä¸Šä¼ onedrive问题
#1381 opened by YoloBird - 2
Add Support for HSTS to Enhance HTTPS Security
#1388 opened by orwithout - 1
How to use HTTPS
#1382 opened by BakaGzRay12456 - 2
Set upload size limit
#1368 opened by ubruhin - 2
Save uploaded file atomically
#1369 opened by ubruhin - 2
Not working with reverse proxy in specific directory
#1344 opened by sandyboxy - 1
Add cli flag to disable indexing
#1328 opened by dyc3 - 1
Can't Upload
#1321 opened by hqsone - 6
Does it support hiding some files?
#1307 opened by Zruto - 1
hope to add ignore file/dir list parameter
#1304 opened by astralwaveio - 2
Unable to serve files with embedded newline
#1294 opened by Dialga - 6
- 0
support setting permission?
#1281 opened by Zruto - 1
Panic when serving non-existent file in SPA mode
#1277 opened by powder-pony - 15
Can the compilation target i686-pc-windows-msvc be added to run on a 32-bit Windows?
#1272 opened by rankaiyx