

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Please keep it English. I have no idea what this says.

Please keep it English. I have no idea what this says.

I mounted OneDrive on the server using rclone, and then changed the destination folder for uploads to the rclone-mounted folder. However, after uploading files, I found that they were first stored on the server and then transferred to OneDrive through the server. At this point, a problem occurred: although I uploaded them to OneDrive successfully, my local space on the server should have been released but it wasn't. Why is this happening? How can I solve it? Or should I wait a while longer?

I don't think this is a miniserve problem.

While I have no clue about rclone, I have a hunch why this might happen.
I once had something similar but with unrelated software and the culprit was simply that the file was flagged/tagged as still being opened/used by the OS.

I don't know how miniserve handles "reading" and "closing" files but this could be a possible cause.
Might be worth investigating.