
Questions for tests on the `--readme` flag

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Not really a issue but more of a question here:

So I can add the id on readme contents like:

            @if readme.is_some() {
                div id="readme" {
                    h3 id="readme-filename" { (readme.as_ref().unwrap().filename) }
                    div id="readme-contents" {
			(PreEscaped (readme.unwrap().contents));

Now I can test for the presence of those id in the document body, for example:

/// Do not show readme contents unless told to
fn hide_readme_contents(server: TestServer) -> Result<(), Error> {
    let body = reqwest::blocking::get(server.url())?.error_for_status()?;
    let parsed = Document::from_read(body)?;
    assert!(parsed.find(Attr("id", "readme")).next().is_none());
    assert!(parsed.find(Attr("id", "readme-filename")).next().is_none());
    assert!(parsed.find(Attr("id", "readme-contents")).next().is_none());


This one seems straightforward enough, problem now I'm facing is, how do I simulate the contents of a directory with file?

Do I have to make some files in the tests directory, include it in git, and then use them as args in the cli? Or can I just create dummy files in the code itself??

EDIT: I read the fixures module and saw the testdir has the files with contents, so I used it while also adding file with some contents in all the directories.