
[feature request] read user/password from file

changchichung opened this issue · 2 comments

I want to provide miniserve to many users , so I have to assign many account:password in cli ( or in service file) , and that accounts/passwords can be shown in console with ps -aux

something like

[tmp ]$ ps -aux |grep miniser
root     2028374  0.1  0.0 1229728 7932 ?        Ssl  14:19   0:00 /usr/local/bin/miniserve -D -z -W -U -u -v -t -i --readme --port 9999 -a admin:password /tmp

it's not cool to show password in cleartext in ps tree.
and consider to have multi accounts , I think it might be a good idea to read user:password from file , which can be managed by root and only root.

I think that's a very valid feature especially on multiple systems where the current approach might be problematic for multiuser systems.

Would you like to try to implement this?

I'm afraid that I can't help. I know nothing to RUST