
A Prometheus compatible exporter for site24x7.com

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub Actions Workflow Docker Hub codecov license Lines of Code

A Prometheus compatible exporter for site24x7.com


This exporter currently supports these monitor types:

It also supports monitor groups and exposes them via tags.

There is a special path (default at /geolocation) which exposes geolocation information with keys that reflect the names of the locations as provided by the site24x7 API. This allows you to easily visualize locations on a map, for instance. The list of locations is currently highly incomplete and only serves my purposes. Pull requests welcome!

CLI usage

A Prometheus compatible exporter for site24x7

Usage: site24x7_exporter [OPTIONS]

      --site24x7-endpoint <SITE24X7_ENDPOINT>
          API endpoint to use (depends on region, see https://site24x7.com/help/api) [default: site24x7.com]
          [possible values: site24x7.com, site24x7.eu, site24x7.cn, site24x7.in, site24x7.net.au]
      --web.listen-address <LISTEN_ADDRESS>
          Address on which to expose metrics and web interface [default:]
      --web.telemetry-path <METRICS_PATH>
          Path under which to expose metrics [default: /metrics]
      --web.geolocation-path <GEOLOCATION_PATH>
          Path under which to expose geolocation information [default: /geolocation]
      --log.level <LOGLEVEL>
          Only log messages with the given severity or above [default: info]
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

Using with proxies

If you need to use proxies in order to make the outgoing HTTP requests, you can set the environment variables https_proxy and HTTPS_PROXY (the latter taking precedence). The proxy will then be used automatically. You can see that a proxy will be used as the startup sequence will tell you so.

How to use


First you need to create an OAuth 2.0 application as per https://www.site24x7.com/help/api/index.html#getting-started For instance, go to https://api-console.zoho.eu (or your whatever your region's endpoint is) and then create a new application of type "Self Client". Note the client's Client ID and Client Secret, you'll need them later.

Now it's time to get a refresh token. First, we'll need to generate a temporary code. In the "Generate Code" tab, enter Site24x7.Reports.Read as the scope. Choose a time duration of 10 minutes for the code and finally click "CREATE". You'll receive a temporary code.

In order to get your permanent refresh token, prepare a new file curl-secrets with these contents:


and then run this curl:

curl https://accounts.zoho.eu/oauth/v2/token -X POST @curl-secrets

We use the curl-secrets file for security purposes so that your secrets won't be temporarily visible to all users in a multiuser system.

Note: Remember to use your proper region endpoint!

You'll get back a response that looks roughly like this:

    "access_token": "some long token ",
    "api_domain": "https://www.zohoapis.eu",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "refresh_token": "we're interested in whatever is in here",
    "token_type": "Bearer"

Copy the value of refresh_token somewhere, we'll need it later.

Run via cargo

The exporter expects to receive the OAuth 2.0 data via environment variables. These are:


Let's set them and spin up our exporter:

export ZOHO_CLIENT_ID=your-client-id
export ZOHO_CLIENT_SECRET=your-client-secret
export ZOHO_REFRESH_TOKEN=your-refresh-token
cargo run -- --site24x7-endpoint site24x7.eu
curl http://localhost:9803/metrics

Alternatively you can add these environment variables to an .env file in this format:


This is especially convenient for development purposes or local Docker usage as shown below.

Run via docker

docker run --env-file ./.env -p 9803:9803 svenstaro/site24x7_exporter --site24x7-endpoint site24x7.eu



curl localhost:9803/metrics

and you should see some sweet metrics if everything is working fine.


In case you get weird errors, try running with --log.level debug and then make a request against the metrics endpoint. You should see a ton of helpful output. Be super careful though as this WILL EXPOSE SECRETS. Do NOT run --log.level debug or --log.level trace for any purposes except for local debugging.

Usage in Prometheus

Make sure to not poll this too often as site24x7 has API usage limits per day. The limit seems to be around 70000 per day so polling every 5 seconds should be safe.

Running the tests

If you want to run the test suite, you'll need to run it as

cargo test -- --test-threads 1 --nocapture


In order to release this, do:

  • cargo release <version>
  • cargo release --execute <version>
  • Releases will automatically be deployed by GitHub Actions.