
A Kong 🦍 plugin fetching an apikey and exchanging it to a JWT if a client with this ID exists in Keycloak

Primary LanguageLua

Kong plugin validation an apikey against client_id in Keycloak


A Kong 🦍 plugin fetching an apikey and exchanging it to a JWT if a client with this ID exists in Keycloak.

The use case is about having a centralied storage for all users and application in Keycloak. Even so Keycloak itself does not know about apikeys we can use client_ids instead. So plugin executes an admin api call (admin credentials needed!) to the Keycloak API validating a client_id exists in the given realm. If it gets a response it fetches the client secret to create a JWT for this client which afterwards can be validated (for example roles, groups, scopes) using the standard Kong OpenID Connect plugin.

Both the created admin_token used to exchange apikey to JWT as well as the actual JWT a cached (see ttl options)

Below graph shows the full flow without caching

graph TD
    A{Apikey in header}
    A --> |No| V{config return_unautorized_if_apikey_is_missing}
    V --> |true| B[Return 403]
    V --> |false| XX[Stop plugin execution but do not deny request]
    A -->|Yes| C[Create an admin token]
    C --> D
    D --> C
    C --> X{Got an admin token?}
    X --> |No| Z
    X --> |Yes| T[Exchange client_id to Keycloak internal ID]
    T --> D
    D --> T
    T --> U{Exchange successful?}
    U --> |Yes| E
    U --> |No| Z
    E --> F{Got a secret?}
    F --> |No| Z
    F --> |Yes| G[Execute client credentials flow to get a JWT]
    G --> H{Got a token?}
    H --> |No| Z
    H --> |Yes| I[Attach token into the authorization header]
    I --> J[OpenID Connect plugin validates the token]
    E[Try to fetch the client secret]
    E --> D
    D --> E
    G --> D
    D --> G
    Z[Return a 401]

Configuration parameters

config.key_header_name apikey The header where the apikey will be sent
config.token_ttl 50 Time in seconds we cache the client token. Must be lower than the setting in Keycloak for this token
config.return_unautorized_if_apikey_is_missing true If set to true a missing apikey will result in a 401 response - if set to false we will progress the next plugins anyway
config.keycloak_base_url Base URL of Keycloak like https://my.keycloak.example.com. NOTE: If using a SSL endpoint make sure the certificate is trusted in the Kong setting lua_ssl_trusted_certificate
config.keycloak_realm The realm the plugin should use to look up the client
config.keycloak_client_id The client being used to create an admin token (referencable)
config.keycloak_client_secret The secret of the client being used to create an admin token (referencable)
config.keycloak_admin_username The admin username to create the admin token (referencable)
config.keycloak_admin_password The admin username to create the admin token (referencable)
config.keycloak_admin_realm master The realm the admin user is registered at
config.keycloak_admin_token_ttl 50 Time in seconds we cache the admin token. Must be lower than the setting in Keycloak for this token

Security notice

Sensitive information on the admin account for token creation can be securely stored in a vault: https://docs.konghq.com/gateway/latest/pdk/kong.vault/. See the (referencable) notice on the paramaters