
Articles content duplication detection and keywords extraction API service

Primary LanguageElixir


Articles content duplication detection and keywords extraction API service.



In 2020 during the COVID lock-down, I participated in the developer's competition - DevChallange. One of the tasks was to create an API service for article duplication detection.

Now at one of my commercial project business requires a quick solution for keywords extraction and text duplication detection so I thought it might be a good idea to use this solution and open-source it.

That's it.

How to use

docker-compose up

and use http://localhost:4000

Basic logic

  • Article content must be unique in the bucket
  • If the content is unique it will be saved into DB
  • If the content is not unique it will not be saved into DB and returns an original article data



!!! The current version does not support authentication. Please use IP allowed lists and private networks for this. Maybe in version 2.0, we will add this. Currently, we don't need this

Create a bucket

Bucket - it's a unique scope for your articles. Presentation of account/project/anything on your end.

Endpoint POST /api/v1/buckets


    "identifier": "my_bucket"


  • required identifier - unique identifier for articles scope. Only lower a-z, - and _ are allowed

Success response example

Status 201

    "identifier": "my_bucket"

Failure response example

Status 422

    "errors": {
        "identifier": [
            "has already been taken"

Create an article

Endpoint POST /api/v1/:bucket_identifier/articles


    "content": "article content should be here",
    "metadata": {
       "key": "value"


  • required content - Any text without special
  • optional metadata - Any key/value pairs that can help you to tag articles from your side (maybe your DB PK ID)

Success response example

Status 201

    "action": "created",
    "article": {
        "content": "article content should be here",
        "id": 1,
        "keywords": [
        "metadata": {
            "key": "value"
        "words_count": 5

Failure response example

Status: 422

    "action": "duplicate",
    "original": {
        "content": "article content should be here",
        "id": 1,
        "keywords": [
        "metadata": {
            "key": "value"
        "words_count": 5

Update an article

Endpoint PUT /api/v1/:bucket_identifier/articles/:article_id

TODO: implement

List articles

Endpoint GET /api/v1/:bucket_identifier/articles

TODO: implement

Search article

Endpoint GET /api/v1/:bucket_identifier/articles

TODO: implement

Failure response codes

  • 422 not valid input
  • 400 missing required fields

Inspector mode

Run service with environment variable PULITZER_ENABLE_INSPECTOR=1

Distributed mode

Service can be run in the distributed mode for multiple nodes.


  • Only English language
  • No AI. We don't need it right now.
  • Just a simple step by step algorithm
  • Some endpoints are missing but it just because we don't need them now. Please create an issue if you need this and we can figure out what we can do