
A Kafka AuthenticateCallbackHandler that supports LDAP/Active Directory for username/password verification, including authorization based on group membership.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This module contains:

  • A Kafka AuthenticateCallbackHandler that uses a directory (LDAP/Active Directory) to verify a username and a plain-text password.
  • A Kafka AclAuthorizer and StandardAuthorizer that know about principals of type Group, and check them against LDAP/Active Directory group membership. The first is for installations that use ZooKeeper ACLs, the second for installations running without ZooKeepers.

If you do not care about group membership, you only need to set up the first class. For group membership you need both, since the AclAuthorizer/StandardAuthorizer builds on data fetched by the AuthenticateCallbackHandler.

Misc. notes

  • Since all this is based on plain-text passwords, you will want to run it over SSL/TLS.
  • This is SASL_PLAIN, meaning that both the Kafka broker and the client application will get access to the user's password before passing it on to the directory server where the authentication is taking place. In many environments this is considered unacceptable: Look for something like OAUTH or SAML instead.
  • Although group membership is cached, there is no caching of the authentication result, but it is trivial to implement if needed. If you do, please do not use the plain-text password as part of the cache key, but pass it through a hashing function first.


Configuration is done using Kafka properties: Either dot.separated.properties, or KAFKA_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES. To use environment variables, capitalize every letter of the original property, replace any underscores with a double underscore, replace dots with underscores, and prefix with KAFKA_.

Kafka integration

The .jar-file of this project must be made available on the Kafka Broker classpath, typically in /usr/share/java/kafka/.

Authenticator configuration

You will need a binding and a listener for either SASL_SSL or SASL_PLAINTEXT. In the following we assume SASL_SSL, and a binding named HUMAN:

advertised.listeners=... ,HUMAN://broker:9094
listener.security.protocol.map=... ,HUMAN:SASL_SSL

Tell Kafka to enable SASL, and to use our class to handle the protocol binding created above:

listener.name.human.plain.sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required ;

The authenticator plug-in expects some configuration parameters, prefixed with authz.ldap, to tell it how to connect to and handle the LDAP Directory:


LDAPS (TLS) is assumed if the port is 636. For all other ports, plain-text LDAP is assumed. If using LDAPS with a self-signed certificate, the Broker JVM must be told to trust your certificates. How to do that is beyond the scope of this README.

The final parameter, ldap.username.to.dn.format, specifies how the incoming username should be transformed to match whatever the directory expects as part of a bind operation. The %s combination will be replaced by a properly escaped version of what the user provided. On Active Directory this string should often be specified as just %s, since the directory authenticates using just the username without matching a full DN.

Group authorizer configuration

If you want to enable ACLs which contain a Group principal type, you will need the above configuration, plus our LdapGroupAclAuthorizer (for ZooKeeper ACLs) or LdapGroupStandardAuthorizer for KRaft mode ACLs.

Requirements for our group authorizer:

  • Authorization is done based on the automatically populated memberOf attribute that was introduced in draft RFC 2307bis. Although a draft RFC, this was adopted by Microsoft in Active Directory. Later, the same functionality has become available in other directories as well.
  • The Group authorizer does not use a distinct user for LDAP searches, but instead assumes that every user is allowed to search the entire LDAP tree to find itself. This is not the case everywhere.

Tell Kafka to use this authorizer like this:


or this:


The authorizer will perform a search in the entire LDAP tree to find the attributes of the authenticated user. The following attribute tells it how to map a username to a search filter:


Group principals, for use in ACLs, must contain the full DN of the group:
