
Script to decrypt / import chromium (edge/chrome) cookies

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Script to decrypt / import chromium (edge/chrome) cookies.


Install the python dependencies via pip: pip install -r requirements.txt


usage: cloonie.py [-h] [--infile <infile>] [--inos <inos>] [--inkey <inkey>] [--outos <outos>] [--outfile <outfile>] [--outkey <outkey>] [--domain <domain>] [--debug] [--output]

Decrypt chrome|edge Cookies file and re-encrypt it with a different key

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --infile <infile>    Cookies input file
  --inos <inos>        Input file OS (windows|linux)
  --inkey <inkey>      Input file key
  --outos <outos>      Output file OS (windows|linux)
  --outfile <outfile>  Cookies output file
  --outkey <outkey>    Output file key
  --domain <domain>    Cookies domain filter
  --debug              Enable debug output
  --output             Ouput cookie value


Decrypt Windows Cookies only

./cloonie.py --inkey <BASE64_KEY> --infile Cookies --output

Decrypt Windows Cookies and import them in chromium on Linux

./cloonie.py --inkey <BASE64_KEY> --infile Cookies --output --outfile ~/.config/chromium/Default/Cookies

Decrypt Windows Cookies and import them in chromium on Linux for a specific domain

./cloonie.py --inkey <BASE64_KEY> --infile Cookies --output --outfile ~/.config/chromium/Default/Cookies --domain microsoft.com


Based on the awesome work of the following tools/scripts authors: