HOW to start:

    mvn clean compile assembly:single && java -jar target/mini-game-backend-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

How to stop:


The program implements standard MVC pattern to serve concurrently http requests and used in-memory storage for
data persistence.

 - MVC. Controllers receive requests, routed by Java's HttpServer, to controller methods. Each controller validates
 the request param, calls certain model to add/fetch data optionally uses view to create formatted string and lastly
 writes response to HttpServer, which takes over and displays it in the browser. In case of errors, such as validation
 error, 400/Bad request with empty body is returned.

 - Multithreading. For each request HttpServer creates a separate thread with newCachedThreadPool() ExecutorService.
 The controllers are static and therefore shared between threads reading and writing to the controller's state. The
 state is delegated to models and each model in terms delegates concurrency handling to ConcurrentHashMap, which is
 high performance multithreaded data structure, with minimum blocking and atomic methods. There is only one place in the
 code where synchronisation is used -- Authenticator's login method -- and this can probably be improved with some
 clever sequence of atomic method calls, like in ScoreList's add method.

 - Testing. There are both integration tests -- in AppTest -- as well as unit tests in AuthenticatorTest. More tests
 needs to be added.

 - Data structures. ConcurrentHashMap is used all over mainly for simplicity. In order to support the generation of
 top score lists ConcurrentSkipListMap can be used instead, so one keeps the scores sorted and does not re-sort them
 in each method call.

 - Misc. There are various TODOs in the code, describing extensions/improvements. There are no comments since the code
 is hopefully self-explanatory.