Rotating a curve gives unexpected bounding rect
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Given a curved path with a rotation applied
<path d="M 100,100 c 100,-100 300,100 200,200 z" transform="rotate(45)"></path>
I expect the bounding rectangle returned by element.getBoundingClientRect()
to give me the outer bounds of the shape (or at the very least fully contain the shape). Currently, svgdom
cuts off part of the curve.
Test code
const { createSVGWindow } = require('svgdom')
const document = createSVGWindow().document;
const root = document.documentElement;
root.setAttribute("xmlns", "");
root.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 500 500");
root.setAttribute("width", "500");
root.setAttribute("height", "500");
root.setAttribute("stroke-width", "5");
// Add a curved shape
const shape = document.createElementNS("", 'path');
shape.setAttribute("fill", "none");
shape.setAttribute("stroke", "blue");
shape.setAttribute("d", "M 100,100 c 100,-100 300,100 200,200 z");
shape.setAttribute("transform", "translate(200) rotate(45)");
// Get the shape bounds
const bounds = shape.getBoundingClientRect();
// Add the bounding box
const shapeBox = document.createElementNS("", 'rect');
shapeBox.setAttribute("x", bounds.x);
shapeBox.setAttribute("y", bounds.y);
shapeBox.setAttribute("width", bounds.width);
shapeBox.setAttribute("height", bounds.height);
shapeBox.setAttribute("fill", "none");
shapeBox.setAttribute("stroke", "green");
SVG result
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 500 500" width="500" height="500" stroke-width="5">
<path fill="none" stroke="blue" d="M 100,100 c 100,-100 300,100 200,200 z" transform="translate(200) rotate(45)"></path>
<rect x="200" y="141.4213562373095" width="65.55161555970358" height="282.842712474619" fill="none" stroke="green"></rect>
Extra note
It looks like Chrome and Firefox don't agree on what the bounding box should be either, but both of them fully contain the shape. I'm not sure what the specs say about this situation.
haha, FF and Chrome are wildly different :D. The situation is actually quite clear. Transformation does not matter for bounding box calculation. Therefore the bounding box should be the one of the unrotated arc.
Will investigate whats going wrong with our implementation
Scratch that. You used getBoundingClientRect. In that case transform matters.
Release as 0.1.10. Good catch. I needed to change a key concept of how boxes are calculated