- 2
"Inappropriately located doctype declaration" error with SVG.js and a DOCTYPE declaration
#130 opened by phbernard - 4
bbox only returns 0 for path
#127 opened by MadTooler - 3
Node-Red function use??
#126 opened by MadTooler - 3
path , size , viewbox not working !!
#125 opened by lambdaxyzt - 5
Trying to use svgdom in Nestjs application but get require() of Es Module not supported Error.
#121 opened by Mustafa-Aswadi - 4
How to export animated svg.
#124 opened by liudonghua123 - 3
Text with textPath does not display
#123 opened by billreynolds007 - 2
NodeJS installation instructions
#102 opened by maxwowpow - 2
rbox() for SVGs with dimensions in non-pixel unit returns value in that unit instead of pixels
#122 opened by charlie-s - 1
Failed to pack the application
#120 opened by PH8919 - 2
- 5
- 13
- 10
'fontkit' does not provide an export named 'openSync'
#115 opened by fhirter - 1
Publish new package with stable code?
#114 opened by jedahan - 6
Different transform results than browser
#113 opened by cyberwombat - 5
Unable to access certain functions - ESM
#112 opened by cyberwombat - 9
Requiring svgdom crashes due to file path issue
#111 opened by robflop - 6
Trouble loading ESM from Deno
#106 opened by duncanmak - 3
Please review my TypeScript types
#110 opened by altano - 12
Vanilla node fails to import
#69 opened by telamon - 3
Implement SVGGeometryElement
#109 opened by matthelliwell2 - 5
`window.NodeList.prototype.reduce` is `undefined`
#105 opened by KermanX - 2
bbox() returns zeros for text elems?
#104 opened by matehegedus - 2
before() and after() are not supported.
#101 opened by wout - 1
- 2
Namespaced attributes are not exported correctly
#100 opened by wout - 0
Error: Unbound namespace prefix: "svgjs"
#99 opened by BuyingANew-Soul - 8
append() and prepend() are not supported.
#98 opened by wout - 3
`__dirname is not defined` / `Missing "./main-modules.js" export in "svgdom" package`
#94 opened by PhirosWolf - 2
- 8
- 2
Default Font Not Being Overridden
#90 opened by calvinsomething - 1
getBBox returns incorrect value
#89 opened by testerez - 1
2d Canvas Polyfill to Measure Text?
#88 opened by swamidass - 5
- 14
- 2
How to use referencing in svgdom?
#85 opened by mtrnik - 3
Rotating a curve gives unexpected bounding rect
#80 opened by Tschrock - 3
Does getComputedStyle do anything?
#81 opened by hegelstad - 4
How to set output viewbox width and height?
#83 opened by diogodomanski - 6
Getting bbox of element "g" is not possible
#73 opened by tmaziere - 1
are stylesheets supported
#78 opened by biojet1 - 1
Cannot import module on Node v12.13.0
#75 opened by pookage - 1
Error during invocation: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '//data.trie'
#76 opened by okwme - 1
- 1
conains is not a function
#72 opened by Vyachean - 1
ownerSVGElement loops infinitely
#71 opened by nornagon - 15
0.1.x: xmlns attribute eaten?
#68 opened by michael-brade - 2
Probably my configuration, but...
#67 opened by pragdave