
Generate & compare list of packages/tools installed in 2 different linux environments

Primary LanguagePython

Travis Packages

This repo holds code to generate & compare list of packages/tools installed in 2 different linux environments. The generated data is by default stored in data directory.

Generate Data

Package data is generated using syft tool. The syft-csv.template is used to generate csv format output. You can install syft from https://github.com/anchore/syft/releases.

$ sudo syft packages / -o template -t syft-csv.template --file data/sample/ppc64le_packages.csv

Compare Data

CSV package data generated using syft is processed using main.py to output missing & mis-matched version packages.

$ python3 main.py -h
usage: main.py [-h] [-b BASEDATA] [-n NEWDATA] [-o OUTPUTDIR]

Script to compare 2 csv lists of packages.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BASEDATA, --baseData BASEDATA
                        csv file path of base data
  -n NEWDATA, --newData NEWDATA
                        csv file path of new data
                        directory to store output

The --baseData list is used as a base to compare and generated differences between lists.

$ python main.py -b data/sample/amd64_packages.csv -n .data/sample/ppc64le_packages.csv -o date/sample

Travis Job

The travis job generates list of packages using syft tool in stages and pushes them back to git repo to be used by final comparison stage which processes these new package lists using main.py python script to output missing and version mis-matched packages in travis base images.

git-push.sh is a helper script to perform push from Travis-CI. The GITHUB_USERNAME & GITHUB_TOKEN env vars are set via Travis Environment Variables from travis web ui.

NOTE: Disable auto travis job trigger for the repo from travis web ui if the [skip travis] in commit message is not working as expected. More details: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build#skipping-a-build.