
Framework for agency amplification. A conversational agent for every DAO! 🐈‍⬛

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The Agent is a conversational assistant designed to help team members in organizations establish a shared information context and work more efficiently together. The agent is built using Python and langchain.

Setup and Installation

  1. Install nix

  2. To test installation, run echo $PATH and ensure {...}/.nix-profile/bin is the first element; if not, try export PATH=$HOME/.nix-profile/bin:$PATH

  3. Make sure you have the nix-pkgs channel set, ie.

nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable
nix-channel --update

Running the agent with zulip

  1. Run nix-shell from the directory where shell.nix exists (ie the root of this repo), and you should be dropped into a new shell environment with the necessary dependencies installed.

  2. Run poetry install to install the python dependencies from pyproject.toml. This will create a virtual environment and install the necessary python dependencies within.

  3. Run poetry shell. This will run the virtual environment that was created in the previous step.

  4. Set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable in your shell.

  5. The agent_config.json file is a sample configuration file. Copy it to ~/agent_config.json (aka, your home directory) and set the DATA_DIR variable in that file to the absolute path of the directory of files that you want to input to the agent. This should be a directory containing any notes or thoughts you have about Plurigrid. Don't include any nested directories, all files should be at the top level.

5.5. If you instead want to the agent's index to be constructed from channels on a discord server, add the relevant discord channel IDs to the CHANNEL_IDS variable in agent_config.json. Make sure you set the INDEX_MODE variable to either "discord" or "directory". In order for the channels to be read, you need to set the DISCORD_TOKEN environment variable to your discord bot's API key.

  1. If running a zulip bot, you will also need a zulip bot API key. You already have a bot created for you, so go to Zulip and navigate to 'Settings' --> 'Personal Settings' --> 'Bots'. Download the zuliprc file. Copy the api key and use it to set the ZULIP_BOT_KEY environment variable in your shell. Then, in ~/agent_config.json, set the BOT_EMAIL variable to your bot's email address. Set the SERVER_URL variable to the zulip server url. (Sorry, I know this is annoying, but trying to separate API keys from other text configurations.)

6.5. If running a discord bot, you will need to set the DISCORD_TOKEN environment variable to your bot's API key.

  1. Run your agent and indicate which bot type you want: python3 agent/agents/digital_twin.py --bot-type {discord, zulip}. Make sure you run this command from the root of the repo.

  2. If all has gone well, you can now interact with your bot by tagging it and asking it questions.


  • To exit the poetry shell, type exit
  • To exit the nix shell, use Ctrl + d
  • If you need to reinstantiate your env, do poetry env list and then paste the outputted env into poetry env remove {env-name}. Then, run poetry install and poetry shell again to instantiate a new env.



nix and poetry allow for packaging for serverless execution with reliable system, package, and other application dependencies like Secrets correctly derived for individual agent runtime environment.