
Add overlays to videos similar to Snapchat

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT




What is it?

Overlay transparent PNG images on top of other images or videos. This is useful for apps that need to watermark videos, or apps where a user can draw on top of a video.

Used in https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/.gif/id1061699394?ls=1&mt=8 check it out!

Getting Started

Merge is initialized with a configuration struct that is open for extension. Simply extend Merge to have full control over frame rate, export directory, export quality and overlay placement.

struct MergeConfiguration {
  let frameRate: Int32
  let directory: String
  let quality: Quality
  let placement: Placement

extension MergeConfiguration {
  static var standard: MergeConfiguration {
    return MergeConfiguration(frameRate: 30, directory: NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0], quality: Quality.high, placement: Placement.stretchFit)


  • stretchFit: Stretches the ovelay to cover the entire video frame. This is ideal for situations like adding drawing to a video.

  • custom: Custom coordinates for the ovelay and size for the overlay.

enum Placement {
  case stretchFit
  case custom(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat, size: CGSize)
Overlay an image on a video.
  • Note: For performance reasons the progress closure is not called on the main thread.
let merge = Merge(config: .standard)

merge.overlayVideo(video: AVAsset, overlayImage: UIImage, completion: { url in

// Video done exporting
}) { progress in
// progress of video export

Just drag Merge.swift to the project tree