Text Blaze Suggester

How to run

  1. Rename .env.example to .env.local.
  3. yarn build && yarn start

yarn dev doesn't work because we use an internal next server and in a dev mode it doesn't support module sharing (we share a default task manager).

Open http://localhost:3000 in a browser


  1. User click Analyze my emails ->
  2. Server redirects him to the google oauth ->
  3. Google sends him back to the callback url ->
  4. We create an instance of the email provider (async iterator with a few decorators) ->
  5. We create a combined processor (each processor analyzes emails in a different way) ->
  6. Create a task with appropriate command and send it to the task manager ->
  7. Redirect user to the result page where he will wait for the task result


  • We know that we process emails. Can we take advantage of this info? For example, we can analyze email parts differently (subject, header, body)
  • What is the average size of the email?
  • How many emails do we need to analyze per user?
  • Do we need to have all emails at the same time or we can process them one by one or use a batching?
  • How much time/memory do we need to process emails for one user?
  • How to split text correctly? (n-grams, ?)
  • If we found similar sentences, how to check that they are not in similar paragraphs?
  • Do we need to clean up somehow text before comparing?
  • What algorithms do we have for text comparison?
  • Do we need to use an exact comparison, or should we also find almost identical texts? (NLP, cosine similarity ?)
  • Can we use something like Elasticsearch/Solr for finding similar texts?
  • ...

Useful links