
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple events/observable library.

In all honesty, it was copy-pasted from a project I did well before the days of zen-observable. And I use it to avoid re-writing a very small number of LOC. But, hey. Here it is.


Here's sort of how to use it.

const { on } = require('wirejs-events');

// subscribe
on(someObject, 'eventName').then(() => {
	console.log('hey yeah. it did the thing.');

// fire
on(someObject, 'eventName').fire();

Yep. You can pass things through the event as well.

const { on } = require('wirejs-events');

// subscribe
on(someObject, 'eventName').then((a, b) => {
	console.log('Received', a, b);

// fire
on(someObject, 'eventName').fire(
	"first something",
	"second something"

What's that you say? You just want to know if a thing happened at some time in the past!?? Sure.

const { once } = require('wirejs-events');

// fire
once(someObject, 'eventName').fire();

// subscribe
once(someObject, 'eventName').then(()) => {
	console.log("the thing happened. or already happened. it doesn't matter.")

Unsubscribe you say?

Umm ... well no. Not really. Maybe later.



Ok. Umm ... yeah. Do this:

git clone git@github.com:svidgen/wirejs-events.git wirejs-events
cd wirejs-events
npm install

And run the tests.

In the web

npm run test:web

Or in the CLI

npm run test -- --watch

And then just write code and stuff. (And submit a pull request.)