
calling Satalia SolveEngine from GAMS

Primary LanguageC


This is the code that was used to call the Satalia SolveEngine from GAMS. It translate an LP/MIP instance from GAMS to an .lp file, submits this to SolveEngine, waits for SolveEngine to solve it, and prints the result to the screen.

To build, create a symlink "gams" pointing to a GAMS system directory. Then call make. We assume Linux, maybe macOS will work too.

Run GAMS on a linear model with option keep=1 (and any GAMS solver). Then call the gamsse executable with the path to the GAMS control file file (e.g., 225a/gamscntr.dat). Optionally, pass the name of a GAMS/SolveEngine options file as additional argument.

As Satalia seems to retire SolveEngine, this project is not expected to be updated any further.