
Microsoft Translator Api wrapper

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

mstranslator: Microsoft Translator API wrapper

Travis-ci: continuous integration status. PyPI version


Install with pip:

$ pip install mstranslator


1. Subscribe to the Microsoft Translator API

Subscribe to the Microsoft Translator dataset on Azure Marketplace. Note that subscriptions, up to 2 million characters a month, are free. Translating more than 2 million characters per month requires a payment.

2. Register an application

Register an application here. As the redirect field is not used but it's marked as required you may enter any URI to pass validation.

That's all. Now you have a Client ID and Client secret.

Example Usage:

>>> from mstranslator import Translator
>>> translator = Translator('<Client ID>', '<Client secret>')
>>> print(translator.translate('Привет, мир!', lang_from='ru', lang_to='en'))
Hello World!


To run tests you need to set TEST_MSTRANSLATOR_CLIENT_ID and TEST_MSTRANSLATOR_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables and install tox package. After that run shell command:

$ tox