
Missing macro tools for Emacs Lisp

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Missing macro tools for Emacs Lisp

License GPL 3 Build Status Coverage Status

The package contains classic tools for Emacs Lisp developers who want to write macros with convenience.

The following functions and macros are present:

  • mmt-gensym
  • mmt-make-gensym-list
  • mmt-with-gensyms
  • mmt-with-unique-names
  • mmt-once-only


Put it on your load-path and then add the following at the top of file where you would like to use the goodies:

(require 'mmt)

That's it. Don't forget to include it in your list of dependencies if you are writing an Emacs Lisp package:

;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.1") (mmt "0.1.0"))


mmt-gensym &optional x

Create and return new uninterned symbol as if by calling make-symbol.

The only difference between mmt-gensym and make-symbol is in how the new symbol's name is determined. The name is concatenation of a prefix which defaults to "G" and a suffix which is decimal representation of a number that defaults to the value of mmt--gensym-counter.

If x is supplied and is a string, then that string is used as a prefix instead of "G" for this call to mmt-gensym only.

If x is supplied and is an integer, then that integer is used instead of the value of mmt--gensym-counter as the suffix for this call of mmt-gensym only.

If and only if no explicit suffix is supplied mmt--gensym-counter is incremented after it is used.

mmt-make-gensym-list length &optional x

Return a list of length gensyms.

Each element of the list is generated as if with a call to mmt-gensym using the second argument x (defaulting "G").

mmt-with-gensyms names &rest body

Bind each variable in names to a unique symbol and evaluate body.

Each of names must be either a symbol, or of the form:

(symbol string-or-symbol)

Bare symbols appearing in names are equivalent to:

(symbol symbol)

The string-or-symbol is used (converted to string if necessary) as the argument to mmt-gensym when constructing the unique symbol the named variable will be bound to.

mmt-with-unique-names names &rest body

This is an alias for mmt-with-gensyms.

mmt-once-only specs &rest body

Rebind symbols according to specs and evaluate body.

Each of specs must be either a symbol naming the variable to be rebound or of the form:

(symbol initform)

where initform is guaranteed to be evaluated only once.

Bare symbols in specs are equivalent to

(symbol symbol)


(defmacro cons1 (x)
  (mmt-once-only (x) `(cons ,x ,x)))

(let ((y 0))
  (cons1 (incf y))) ;; ⇒ (1 . 1)


Copyright © 2015 Mark Karpov

Distributed under GNU GPL, version 3.