
A simple vanilla Javascript plugin to display a countdown timer.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


sv-countdown-js is a vanilla JavaScript countdown plugin with no dependencies. Pass in an HTML element (such as that returned from document.querySelector) that will be used as a wrapper for the countdown, plus an object containing the configuration, and the plugin will set up a table showing days/hours/minutes/seconds until your event.

Example usage

<div id="countdown"></div>

<script src="/path/to/sv-countdown.js"></script>
let wrapper = document.querySelector('#countdown');
let countdown = new SV.Countdown(wrapper, {
	year: 2025,
	month: 12,
	day: 25,
	untilMessage: 'Countdown to December 25th 2025',
	endMessage: 'It happened!'


The following options can be passed in the second parameter to SV.Countdown:

  • year (required): the year of the event
  • month (required): the month of the event
  • day (required): the day of the event
  • showSeconds (optional): whether to show the seconds column (default: true); if set to false then the time runs once per minute instead
  • untilMessage (optional): a message, shown as a table caption, that describes what you're counting down to
  • endMessage (optional): a message to show once the countdown has reached zero
  • tableClass (optional): an additional class to add to the table element

Note: to make things easier the month provided should be 1-indexed, i.e. January is 1, February is 2 etc. This is in contrast to JS itself which uses 0-indexed months - the plugin takes care of using the right index.


A sample stylesheet is provided in demo/sample.css which can be used as a starting point. These are the classes that get applied to the table and related elements:

  • .sv-cd-timer - the table itself
  • .sv-cd-days - the table cell showing the number of days
  • .sv-cd-hours - the cell showing hours
  • .sv-cd-mins - the cell showing minutes
  • .sv-cd-secs - the cell showing seconds
  • .sv-cd-until - the <caption> element on the table showing the description from untilMessage; the caption-side property can be used to put this above or below the table
  • .sv-cd-blastoff - the element that replaces the table and shows the message from endMessage