

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

🐍 Artistic Recognition

[GitHub release (latest by date)](

MIT License Code style: black pre-commit

Linux macOS Windows

🗂️ Directory Structure

├── config/                  <- 📂 Configuration files [.ini, .json, .yaml]
├── data/                    <- 📂 Images, numpy data objects, text files
├── docs/                    <- 📂 Store .md files. Used by Mkdocs for Project Documentation
├── logs/                    <- 📂 Log files generated by the project during execution
├── models/                  <- 📂 Model files [.h5, .pkl, .pt] - pre-trained weight files, snapshots, checkpoints
├── notebooks/               <- 📂 Jupyter Notebooks
├── references/              <- 📂 Data dictionaries, manuals, and all other explanatory materials
├── scripts/                 <- 📂 Utility scripts for various project-related tasks
├── src/                     <- 📂 Source code (.py files)
├── tests/                   <- 📂 Unit tests for the project
├── workspaces/              <- 📂 Multi-user workspace that can be used in the case of a single machine
├── .env-template            <- 🔧 Template for the .env file
├── .gitattributes           <- 🔧 Standard .gitattributes file
├── .gitignore               <- 📛 Standard .gitignore file
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml  <- 🔧 Config file for Git Hooks
├── LICENSE                  <- 🪧 License file [choose your appropriate license from GitHub]
├── mkdocs.yml               <- 🗞️ Base config file required for Mkdocs
├── Pipfile		              <- 🗃️ Most commonly used python packages
├── README.md                <- 📝 Project readme
├── setup.py                 <- 📦️ For installing & packaging the project
└── tox.ini                  <- 🔧 General-purpose package configuration manager

📦 Dev-Packages

All the packages to be installed are included in the Pipfile. For installing additional packages

Base Packages

* numpy           <- for numerical computing and scientific computing
* scipy           <- mathematical algorithms and convenience functions built on the NumPy
* pandas          <- for data manipulation and analysis
* matplotlib      <- plotting library
* seaborn         <- data visualization library for drawing informative statistical graphics.
* scikit-learn    <- machine learning library 
* jupyter         <- web-based interactive computing platform
* jupyter-server  <- backend for Jupyter notebooks. Required when running notebooks in VS Code
* ipykernel       <- interactive Python shell. Required when running notebooks in VS Code
* ipython         <- provides a powerful interactive shell and a kernel for Jupyter

Development Packages

* isort                        <- sorts imports in a python file
* python-decouple              <- Reads configuration/settings from .env, system environment variables 
* flake8                       <- Code linter (format checker)
* flake8-tabs                  <- Tab (and Spaces) Style Checker for flake8
* black                        <- Code formatter
* mypy                         <- Static type checker
* pre-commit                   <- A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
* pdoc3                        <- Generate API documentation for Python projects
* mkdocs                       <- Generate Project documentation for Python projects

👷 Kaggle

Due to the complexity of the problems, the models were trained using Kaggle, as it provides a more robust hardware processing environment. However, the notebooks related to these models can be found in the "notebooks" folder.

  • 😎 Fast-App PCO

  • 🤩 Streamlit App

🚀 Features

  • 😎 Fast-App PCO

  • 🤩 Streamlit App

👽️ POC

🧑‍💻 Steps:

Open your terminal and navigate to the project directory.

Setting dolowload models

🚨 To run the application, download the required model files from this Google Drive link and place them in the models/ directory.

├── models/ <- 📂 Model files [.h5, .pkl, .pt] - pre-trained weight files, snapshots, checkpoints
   ├── vgg19_001/                  <- 📂 Model [.h5]
      ├── labels.json              <-  File [.json]
      ├── model.h5                 <-  File [.h5]

🐳 Docker

 * Docker is required to run the application. Follow these steps: 
 * Install Docker if it's not already installed on your system.
 * Navigate to the /app directory in the terminal.

Option 1 - 🐳 Docker build local

   docker-compose up --build

🚨 If you encounter issues building the image, it likely indicates that you are missing some essential system packages for building.

Option 2 - 🐳 Pull Image from Docker

   docker pull ddiazva312/object_classification
   docker-compose up





