mbed lib and example for 10dofimu from DFRobot.com for NUCLEO-F401RE ADXL345 ITG3200 HMC5883L BMP085

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Update Dec 18 2014

Tested and fixed minor issues by downloading to the updated gcc4mbed (with rev 92 mbed) environment off line. compiled and run fine. Removed old files and added my deploy to the makefile.

mbed lib and example for 10dof MEMS IMU from DFRobot.com for use on ST's NUCLEOF401RE. http://www.dfrobot.com/wiki/index.php/10_DOF_Sensor_%28SKU:SEN0140%29 Adxl345 accelerometer ITG3200 gyro HMC5883L Compass BMP085 pressure sensor

I started with the code from Aloïs Wolff's HK10DOF on mbed.com URL=http://developer.mbed.org/users/pommzorz/code/HK10DOF/

His IMU from Hobby King uses most of the same sensors as the DFRobot, only the Gyro is different, L3G4200D instead of my ITG3200.

I modified the L3G4200D code to use the same calls and syntax but manage the IGT3200.

I also corrected a few discrepancies. I2C bus frequency, initialize variables and data types. It seems either mbed or the NUCLEOF401RE are very picky about type mismatch.

The main.cpp is a demo program to exercise the library. It was compiled off-line from mbed using a makefile. I setup locally by following instructions from Adam Green here: https://github.com/adamgreen/gcc4mbed and here: https://github.com/adamgreen/gcc4mbed/blob/master/notes/porting.creole#readme

I used information on this page http://blog.bitify.co.uk/2013/11/using-complementary-filter-to-combine.html to understand and debug this code. The gunplot was especially helpful.