
Diagrams, schemes, technical drawings etc.


This repo. contains Diagrams, schemes, technical drawings etc. of some of my personal projects.


You can use http://blueprint.lent.ink/year/nmbr which will redirect to the right location (e.g. https://cdn.lent.ink/blueprint/2016/1337/img.png).


While not used atm. I committed myself to provide metadata.

	"description": "Mandatory description of the picture",
	"projectURL": "http://optionally.url/post-to-something",
	"editWith": ["url01ofSoftwareThatCanOpenTheOriginal", "urlToSecondProgram", "etc."]

Every directory should contain a file called metadata.json

File structure

The directories are numbered by year. Every image has a number in that year. This gives us /2016/1337/. Inside the folder, we have the image (PNG!), the original, which is editable (in case of draw.io, the PNG itself is editable) and the metadata.

  • /2016/1337/img.png
  • /2016/1337/metadata.json