
parse txt files to bookmarks file for browser

Primary LanguagePython


Use nested directories (folders) with txt files that contain link (href) with optional link names.

This script converts them to standard bookmarks import for chrome etc.

./script.py ./path > bookmarks.html


You point this script to a (nested) directory with .txt files.

They may look like this:

blog.lent.ink option link text


blank lines are allowed, but no commented lines.

Optional views

besides importing into chrome, one could use:

optional addition

Retrieve the <title> of links without description.

This has not been implemented since frontends like shiori can do stuff like this, it's just a simple parser for now, but feel free to submit a PR.

curl --location --silent example.com \
  | grep "<title>" \
  | sed 's/<title>//g' \
  | sed 's/<.*//g'